What would the world look like if we were all BEING as creative, powerful, and magnetic as we ARE?

We are doing the 30 day journaling + meditation invitation for the month of August. An explanation of this project is here. I'll be posting an update here every day (M-F) for the month of August and I'm also doing short videos on Instagram to share things I am learning along the way.\

And check out the new Creative Dream Incubator RedBubble shop! THE MOST encouraging notebooks, mugs, magnets, stickers + art prints.

I created this page in my journal with "Slow the fuck down!" on one side and "BE as creative, powerful and magnetic as you ARE" on the other.

Then I freestyle journaled about each one, just giving myself some space to consider everything I think/feel/know about each.

This gave me space to see my whole process from a bird's eye perspective.

I did this a few weeks ago, when I was still mostly exploring all of my layers of reactions to the "slow the fuck down!" part.

What would the world look like if we are all


as creative, powerful and magnetic as we


It wouldn't look like the world does today.

But sometime (always?) when we think about being MORE creative, powerful, magnetic, or other qualities...

We're still thinking about this from within the same paradigm that has us trapped, in some ways.

There are ways that colonialism, capitalism, white supremacy and the patriarchy have infected our ways of seeing ourselves, the world, our possibilities, and what is possible for the world to become.

So, when I think of being MORE creative my brain will begin my looking towards things that would more accurately be described as more PRODUCTIVE.

But it FEELS like more creativity to me.

And it SEEMS like more creativity if I am looking at it using a scale from less art produced to more art produced.

But is that the right scale?

What would a better scale be?

How I FEEL about the art while I'm making it? (getting warmer!)

How I FEEL about the art when I look at it after? (getting colder)

How other people feel about it? (much colder)

How much money I can make from it? (cold)

We all know that there are lots of stupid ways to measure creativity. What's the BEST way?

My immediate answer is: how it feels in my heart. There is a feeling I get when I am making art, and it feels like "THIS is what I am here to DO"

I have never, not once, gotten that feeling from marketing my work. Though I have felt REALLY GOOD about creating sales pages, etc, because it feels good to share the art that I know I am here to make...

Still, it's not the same vibe.

And so of one way of defining MORE creative could mean MORE of that feeling...

Doing more of what generates that feeling...

But that must mean doing less of what doesn't generate that feeling, right?

And how do I do that? Where do I want to create a balance between taking care of the practicalities of my life and giving my time to the things that generate that feeling?

Sitting with all of the questions that this sparks.

What would the world look like if we were all BEING as creative, powerful, and magnetic as we ARE?


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
