Making a Big Dream Real #5

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle.? And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014.? This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.

This week I’ve been focused on working on the Creative Dream HOLYday creative playdate & virtual creative dream retreat (which is happening today in the Creative Dream Circle)

I “work on it” mostly by attuning to it and aligning with the energies of it:

  • inner transformation
  • creative freedom
  • deep spiritual healing
  • infinite possibility

… creating an energetic space for deep down communion with the heart and soul of your dream which creates space for miracles.

Completely. Fucking. Amazing.

I can’t describe how grateful I am that this is my job.? Bringing energy healing, spiritual healing and creative play all together in a profoundly and practically helpful way.

As I work on this, I am so filled with gratitude I do feel like I am levitating and so excited I could almost burst.

At the same time, I spent a lot of time in resistance earlier this week.

Scrolling through Facebook.? Playing Bejeweled Blitz.? Watching Netflix.? Getting up to make another chai latte, just a minute after I sat down to get some work done.

Transformation is scary, and resistance is natural.

So that part was hard.? While the actual work I was doing was so awesome I felt like was levitating.? Creative dreaming is an emotional roller coaster!

I’m doing my best to notice when I’ve slipped into resistance, meet myself where I am, take care of how I’m feeling, and bring myself back to where I want to be.

And the longer I spent right here every morning, the better this goes:

creative journaling

Sitting on my miracle pad with a spruce soy candle, meditation, Creative Soul Alchemy and creative journaling.

I’m playing along with Lisa Sonora Beam’s?Root: 30 day creative journal project.? I ADORE Lisa.? Her Creative Entrepreneur book was the first book that helped me feel inspired about business.? And the more I get to know her online, the more I like her.

And as a person who teaches creative journaling it’s important to participate in creative journaling groups and classes as a participant, to sink deeper into my own practice and have space to explore & play without supporting others in their process.

I am feeling really inspired & excited about my goal.

Like I wrote in my year in review of 2014 (not 2013), this goal is a GIANT BUNDLE OF LOVE. ?I’m letting that love nourish, inspire and lead me.

I’m feeling sure of my ability to handle to increase of all the things that increase when a business grows.

What else happened this week:

  • Explored some of the reasons why I have not wanted my business to grow before, and looked at creative and soulful ways of dealing with them.? Like having copy/paste responses to common questions, clarifying my boundaries, creating smoother systems, increasing self-care and exploring my relationship with vulnerability.
  • Freaked out about feeling not organised enough.? Then I noticed that this is a common theme for me and this is an inner critic voice, not the voice of logic.? It doesn’t matter how organised I am, I have this voice that tells me I am not organised enough.? Eureka!? I am very excited to discover this and work with this part of me who is trying to create safety through organisation… once you spot & name an inner critic for what it is, it looses its power.
  • I worked on my Strategic Action Plan for 2014, using the format from Lisa Sonora Beam‘s amazing The Creative Entrepreneur book.? That was the first business book that inspired me years ago and it remains crazy helpful.? I’ve had a TON of business coaching & courses over the past few years and sometimes it feels like I have too many ideas to work with.? Spending time streamlining and putting everything into one plan was super nourishing and helpful.? I’ve shied away from planning recently, because when I first started doing this work full time I made completely unrealistic work-my-ass-off-all-the-time-and-still-be-behind plans.? Now I’m happy to come back to planning, in a balanced, nourishing and sustainable way.
  • Got this fantastic idea, to take my List of 100 Reasons Why I Can Do This and make a whole series of artworks from it to cover my studio walls (I’ve still got some 2 story walls in my loft that are mostly blank)
  • Explored & experimented more around what needs to shift in my daily creativespiritual practice to help me be more steady in this goal.
  • Had daily meetings with the heart and soul of my business and the heart and soul of the circle.? So much is changing here!? Obstacles are dissolving and possibilities are opening up. So beautiful.
  • Ran a few Facebook ads and my ads at KindOverMatter and RebelleSociety are up.? Web traffic and email signups are WAY up.? I am particularly happy about how many of my new visitors are signing up for the email list.
  • Announced my first live, streaming video free creative dream journal playdate.

I am looking forward to next week being here and the holidays being over.? Part of this is the inner-prep-work for the HOLYday, part of it is it being the holidays… I look forward to the routine/structure of a regular work week next week!

Now that 2014 is here, I am ready to get to work.

If you like to sound of the HOLYday but can’t join us for the live event today – you do get recordings & playbooks from today’s event plus space to play with it in the Creative Dream Circle.? While attending live is special, past HOLYday participants do say that they find miracles & magic in playing with the recordings.??

Click here to read more about the Circle.

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming:
