I am using a year-long tracker (from the Dream Plan Kit) to track when I work on my year-long Resistance Project.
There are a LOT of days not marked off.
We’re only a little over 2 months into the new year and already I’m showing up so much less…
Is what I thought was happening until I looked deeper.
What’s actually happening is I am asking much BIGGER questions.
And then taking time to be in the space of having questions without answers.
Rushing to FIND ANSWERS does not move you forward in the way that GIVING THE QUESTIONS MORE TIME does.
GIVING THE QUESTIONS MORE TIME moves you deeper into it, where whole new possibilities exist.
And I know it can be hard to see the difference between FINDING ANSWERS and GIVING THE QUESTIONS MORE TIME… but give it more time, you’ll see.
The new Moon Intention Setting + Alchemy Meditation Call is TODAY!!!! Dream Book members - get the call details here. The replay will be on that page a few hours after we're done the call.
If you're not in Dream Book, you can get the New Moon Intention Setting Guided Journal here! This is the same process that we do on the calls, in a workbook format!
Dream Book members:
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