Creative Emergence Day 2: Working With Intention


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course. Notice that we have our first live call happening TODAY. I hope you can be there – you can call in on your phone or listen in online!

Approaching your journaling practice with INTENTION is how you shift your journal from a place to record and document to a container for healing and transformation.

The thing about intention is that you’ve got to hold it, and not put it down.

Holding an intention moves you towards it. But each time you put your intention down and pick up something else, then you start to move away from your intention.

For most creative people, the things that cause them to put their intentions down are:

  • self doubt/inner critics
  • lack of time
  • lack of physical resources (money, space, materials)
  • lack of opportunities for showing + selling your creative work

But putting down your intention to pick up any of these blocks shifts your perspective to magnify the bock and shrink your dreams – making it so much harder for you to move towards your dreams.

The truth is, no block is insurmountable.

Your creativity holds a lot of power and wisdom. You can find your way through anything. You can create the path that leads to the life you want.

But you have to, like, DO IT.

You can’t put your intention down every time something else wants your attention.

When you learn how to hold your intention no matter what you create space for your dreams to emerge in your life in really beautiful and ease-full ways.

It’s not about struggle and sacrifice and working your ass off, it’s about aligning with your inner truth and growing gleefully? into the fullness of your potential.

This is your Creative Emergence.

The Creative Emergence e-Course seeks to provide you with a tangible experience of holding your intention over time – soulfully and creatively of course – so you can get a taste of what is really possible for you.

To serve this aim, we’re going to keep things simple.

The simplest way to work with intention in your journal is to use your journal as a place to meet your intention every day.

My free introductory course gives you a simple and crazy effective way of doing this. If you haven’t done that yet, start there. (Don’t worry about getting “behind” in this class – this is non-linear work, there is no “behind”. You are where you are and that’s perfect.)

Using your journaling time to meet with your intention, and having a commitment to keep doing this every day, is a form of holding your intention. It brings your intention into your energy field and helps it start to make a home for itself there.

Your daily commitment to this practice lays the groundwork for your Creative Emergence.

For today, just say hello to your intention in your journal.

Give it some love and attention and TIME.

Write out what comes to mind as you meet with it.

You might want to draw or collage it or write a love letter – how do you want to play with your intention in your journal today?

We’re going to explore this together on our free Creative Emergence call today.

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Share your daily journaling pics on Instagram using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook. (I’m sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.)

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment. Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)

And don’t forget we have our first live call happening TODAY. I hope you can be there – or make a plan to listen to the recording ? it will be available for free for 48 hours and will stay available inside the Creative Dream Circle after that.


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


  • There’s the really fun How To Stay In The Magic Teleclass
  • This video about making your own inspiration cards as a way of helping you hold your intention.
  • The Creative Dream Incubator e-Course leads you through every aspect of working with your intention and journaling your way to your dream come true. This e-course includes 6 full workbooks, 6 guided meditations and 24 videos that lead you in-depth through the whole process.
  • We’ve also got a private forum inside the Circle for sharing your Creative Emergence photos and stories if you’d rather not do that publicly.

You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.


See you back here tomorrow for day 3 of Creative Emergence.

And don’t forget we have our first live call happening TODAY. I hope you can be there – or make a plan to listen to the recording ? it will be available for free for 48 hours and will stay available inside the Creative Dream Circle after that.
