Why this matters

Over this past weekend I feel I reached a new stage in my healing process. I started really re-arranging the Dream Loft to make it MINE and it felt like - re-decorating after divorce is a whole healing journey.

But I’ve been thinking about how my dreams have shifted and changed so much in the last three months.

And how it does’t matter what the dream IS it matters that we keep showing up for it.

Not so that we manifest everything we’ve ever wanted….

So that we are intentional, creative and alive in our lives.

Without this work. I can be crabby and lethargic. I tend towards depression. It’s easy to feel too small for my dreams - any dreams!

Today I’m stumbling around. I feel lost even though I know what I want to do.  When I do the Dream Lab I feel really small and tired, and my dream is so BIG and HIGH ENERGY. It feels like an impossible gap but I know that’s just how it feels today.

I remembered yesterday’s lesson about taking the little step that feels impossible even when it also feels like not enough. And just taking some little steps.

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Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

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