Online Classes

New Stuff in the works

If you follow me on Instagram you know I’ve been facing off with my inner critics a lot over the past month.

(Instagram is my favourite social media stream, I love sharing my?little stories and adventures there throughout the day and if you follow them you can see how everything I teach strings together to create practices that bring dreams to life every day)

So I’ve been struggling with my inner critics because I’ve had a lot of new projects that I want to bring to life. ?And I do this work every. damn. time. I start a new project.

I described the process last week in Inner Work 101: How Change Actually Works (An Illustrated Guide).

It’s not exactly fun?to do this work but it creates those clear channels that give me the freedom to create what I want in my world, so it’s definitely worth it.

And I share the stories of what I’m doing so openly because I want you to have that freedom too, so I want to keep reminding you that the path that leads you there goes right through that layer of crap.

So I want to invite you to dive in with me, and create a whole new world.

Anyway, as I was saying I have these new projects that I want to bring to life.

For me 2015 was all about Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance which is a year-long advanced course in deepening your personal creative/intuitive healing/transformation practice which is inside the Creative Dream Circle.

Now that 2015 is coming to an end I am gathering up the gifts of this year of deep practice and these gifts are inspiring my next moves.

I kind of feel like I’m drowning in gifts right now and so I am taking on more projects than I normally would.

Normally I do one thing at a time, since I am one person that has always made sense to me. ?But right now I have all this extra inspiration from this year-long deep dive so here I am, with three new projects:

  • A Year Of Dreams, Magic + Transformation: a year-long guided journal, colouring book + catalyst for Big Magic.
  • Creative Dream HOLYday: a creative/spiritual retreat, a healing/transformation session + a playdate with your dream. ?Happening January 2016. ?(I used to do this regularly, this will be a “new and improved” version.)
  • Helping?The Helper-People. ?(Helper people being coaches, healer, teachers, therapists – anyone who wants to help others be all that they can be) ?This is a small-group coaching program I have run a few times because I really want to help people help people! ?Either help people?help more people (grow their business) or help people?get better at helping people (grow their gifts). ?Each time I’ve done this, every person has gotten every thing they wanted from it – this program is pure magic. ?In early 2016 I want to run this as a larger thing, open + free for all Creative Dream Circle members -?to celebrate 5 successful years in business for the Creative Dream Incubator.

Actually, all of these things will be free for Creative Dream Circle members, so now is a really good time to join the circle 😉

I’ll have more to share about each of these soon.

New Stuff in the works Read More »

Allowing Your Miracle To Unfold


free journaling class

Creative Emergence starts tomorrow.

This is a 30 day e-course which is actually a container for magic and transformation.? (All the details for how this works are right here.? Note that we have a live call happening on Wednesday – I hope you can be there!)

The opportunity is here for you. What are you going to do with it?

Your intention for what you want to create in this course coupled with your commitment to show up for it determines how much magic and transformation you’re going to receive from this.

I’ll go into the details of everything when we start tomorrow.? Today I want you to think about what it is you want to receive from this.? And think about how committed you are to receiving what you want.

Allowing Your Miracle To Unfold Read More »

Yay! The new free e-course starts in ONE WEEK!

Creative Emergence, a (free!) 30 day e-course in the art of making magic happen in your life starts next week – September 1.

This course includes:

  • daily blog posts with lessons and prompts
  • THREE live calls over the course of the month for extra coaching and support
  • a global community of dreamers to play along with

All of the details of where to find everything is right here.

Normally I take it easy in the summers and spend a lot of time going on picnics, to the beach and creatively refueling.? This year I was inspired to work on this new course instead and I am really glad I did.? I’m so excited to share this with you!

Let’s make some BIG magic!

Yay! The new free e-course starts in ONE WEEK! Read More »


I can’t believe we’re already at the last day.? Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has participated – this has been so amazing.

Remember that the recordings from the classes are only available for free for 24 hours.

NOTE: This even happened the week of January 5-9 so you can no longer sign up.? If you’d like to listen to the recordings (the classes were amazing!) you can get them inside the Creative Dream Circle, where we start the Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance program on January 19.

Today we’ve got our last two classes:??CREATIVE PRACTICE + PROJECTS with Jamie Ridler and?GROUP COACHING CIRCLE with me.


Jamie is a creative living coach, here to help you be the star you are.

In this class, we?ll be talking about creative practice and creative projects, and how deepening into your practice can help give live to new projects.

I invited Jamie to be a part of this because it actually wouldn?t have felt right not to! Jamie and I have tones of things in common, like being Canadian creativity coaches with similar missions and ways of seeing the world. I also admire Jamie and her work greatly, our chats are always deeply nourishing so I look forward to sharing this chat with you!


This series is bound to open up new possibilities for you, so we?ll finish off the week with an open call where you can ask questions and get my help with whatever you want my help with.

The purpose of this call is to make sure you are ready to take the inspiration you received and use it to move forward in whatever you way you want to move forward.


This tele-class series is just what I need to start the year in an inspiring way: rich conversations about the inner process of creating your authentic, creative and abundant life.

These are highly interactive calls where we?ll focus on answering your questions about the topic. So it will be LESS ?experts telling you what to do? and MORE engaging in deep, meaningful conversation.

Talk to you soon!


Today’s FREE tele-classes: AUTHENTICITY + POETRY

Oh my gosh I’m having such an amazing week, these classes have just been ridiculously inspiring.

Remember that the recordings from the classes are only available for free for 24 hours.

NOTE: This even happened the week of January 5-9 so you can no longer sign up.? If you’d like to listen to the recordings (the classes were amazing!) you can get them inside the Creative Dream Circle, where we start the Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance program on January 19.

Today we’ve got 2 (super fun!) classes:? COMING OUT AS YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF with Liv Lane and POETRY IS A LIFELINE with Liz Lamoreux.


Liv helps brave-hearted, open-minded ?human sparklers? understand their past and embrace their now in order to leap into their bright futures.


In this class, we?ll be exploring the idea of ?coming out? as your authentic self.? Just showing up in your life as your actual self is an act of incredible power and is the first step towards living a more meaningful life.

I invited Liv to be a part of this because every conversation I have had with Liv has been full of joy, depth and light so I know you?re going to love this call.


Liz is an artist, author, Be Present retreat leader and she teaches creative self-care workshops online and in-person.

In this class we?ll be exploring how poetry can be a lifeline. Liz will answer your questions plus offer some poetry prompts for you to play with.

I invited Liz to be a part of this because I thought her approach to poetry would add a lot of richness to this series. Liz is gifted at creating space to help you access your own brilliant depths while acknowledging the realness of real life.


This tele-class series is just what I need to start the year in an inspiring way: rich conversations about the inner process of creating your authentic, creative and abundant life.

These are highly interactive calls where we?ll focus on answering your questions about the topic. So it will be LESS ?experts telling you what to do? and MORE engaging in deep, meaningful conversation.

Talk to you soon!

Today’s FREE tele-classes: AUTHENTICITY + POETRY Read More »


I am having such a fantastic time with these classes!

Remember that the recordings from the classes are only available for free for 24 hours.

NOTE: This even happened the week of January 5-9 so you can no longer sign up.? If you’d like to listen to the recordings (the classes were amazing!) you can get them inside the Creative Dream Circle, where we start the Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance program on January 19.

Today we’ve got 2 (crazy inspiring!) classes:? SHARING YOUR STORY with Susannah Conway and DIVINE GUIDANCE with Laurel Bleadon-Maffei


Susannah Conway is a photographer and author who leads classes that help to reconnect you to your true self.

In this class, we?ll be talking about the magic and power of sharing your story.

I invited Susannah to be a part of this because of how wildly inspiring her own story is. She understands how showing up in the world as your true self and finding the courage to share your story can actually change the story that you are living.



Laurel Bleadon-Maffei is a mystical mentor and guide. She offers angel readings, spiritual coaching and business classes for light workers.

Laurel and I will be talking about working with divine guidance.

I invited Laurel to be a part of this because of how warm, loving and kind she is. I know that Laurel will create a safe and powerful space for you to connect more fully with divine guidance.

This tele-class series is just what I need to start the year in an inspiring way: rich conversations about the inner process of creating your authentic, creative and abundant life.


These are highly interactive calls where we?ll focus on answering your questions about the topic. So it will be LESS ?experts telling you what to do? and MORE engaging in deep, meaningful conversation.

Talk to you soon!

Today’s FREE tele-classes: SHARING YOUR STORY and DIVINE GUIDANCE Read More »


Our week got off to a truly fantastic start with yesterday’s call with Chris Zydel all about TRAILBLAZING.

Remember that the recordings from the classes are only available for free for 24 hours.

NOTE: This even happened the week of January 5-9 so you can no longer sign up.? If you’d like to listen to the recordings (the classes were amazing!) you can get them inside the Creative Dream Circle, where we start the Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance program on January 19.

Today we’ve got 2 (amazing!) classes: CHANGE with Shannon Wilkinson and PUTTING YOURSELF OUT THERE ONLINE with Angel Sullivan.



Shannon Wilkinson is a life coach, teacher and writer who is obsessed with CHANGE. She uses mind-bending tools to help you change your mind, change your behaviours and ultimately change the world.

And so Shannon and I will be talking about change and how to work with it more intentionally.

I invited Shannon to be a part of this because of how grounded and effective she is as a coach. I believe she is one of the best of the best and am thrilled that she will be sharing her magic with us.



Angel Sullivan helps you create websites that are true to your soul. As you grow your depth and nurture your brilliance you may find yourself wanting to share your thoughts, ideas and creative projects with the world. WordPress is a super accessible way to get started sharing your creative soul with the world via your own blog.

On this call, Angel will answer your WordPress questions so you can get started with your own blog or learn how to make your existing blog more true to your soul.? We’ll also explore the inner stuff of putting yourself out there online, and what to do about the tangles, fears and lack of clarity that may be stopping you.

I invited Angel to be a part of this call because she knows WordPress and she is also sensitive to the inner workings of putting yourself out there through your website and that is what builds the foundation for success.


This tele-class series is just what I need to start the year in an inspiring way: rich conversations about the inner process of creating your authentic, creative and abundant life.


These are highly interactive calls where we?ll focus on answering your questions about the topic. So it will be LESS ?experts telling you what to do? and MORE engaging in deep, meaningful conversation.

Talk to you soon!


Wheeee! Today we start our week of free + amazing tele-classes!

I?m so excited to start this with one of the people that I admire most in the whole world: Chris Zydel.

As an expressive arts teacher, Chris provides environments of encouragement that awaken your artist?s soul and challenge you to become a spiritual adventurer journeying to your own creative source.

Chris and I will be talking about Trailblazing: boldly going where no one has gone before.

I invited Chris to speak about Trailblazing because of how much I admire Chris and what she has done with her Expressive Arts career – years before anyone knew what Expressive Arts even meant.

Chris embodies the spirit of the creative spiritual trailblazer and I am deeply honoured to have her help me open up this series.

This tele-class series is just what I need to start the year in an inspiring way: rich conversations about the inner process of creating your authentic, creative and abundant life.

NOTE: This even happened the week of January 5-9 so you can no longer sign up.? If you’d like to listen to the recordings (the classes were amazing!) you can get them inside the Creative Dream Circle, where we start the Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance program on January 19.

These are highly interactive calls where we?ll focus on answering your questions about the topic. So it will be LESS ?experts telling you what to do? and MORE engaging in deep, meaningful conversation.

Talk to you soon!

Wheeee! Today we start our week of free + amazing tele-classes! Read More »

Hearts + Souls Are Real. Or – How I’m Preparing For Next Week’s Free Tele-Class Series.

So next week I’m hosting free tele-classes all week long!? (Click here for details and to sign up)


This week I’m getting all the final details together, which is not my favourite kind of work to do.? I am more about visioning and and planning – sorting out a gazillion details is kind of tiring for me.

So I’m taking it slow – step by step.

I’m connecting often with the heart and soul of the tele-classes – who is sometimes a bouncing heart with wings and sometimes a swirling pink ball of delight.

The heart and soul of the tele-classes is so excited to get YOU excited about your possibilities.

That’s all it wants, and so it doesn’t care so much about the details.

Which is really interesting in those moments when I feel stressed or nervous about those details.

The truth is, I know that even if some things go wrong the calls will be awesome – I mean look at the list of guests!? With them and me and YOU there – we’re obviously going to have a great time.

When I bring my stress and nervousness to the heart and soul of the tele-classes, it just beams love.

It asks me to put down my expectations and let go of the places where I want to control things so I am sure about how they will go and just soften into the experience of it.

And then it reminds me that it’s got this.

Hearts and souls are real.

They are energy fields that we can work with.? (More on this in my free e-course, Give Your Dream Wings)

That we can work WITH.? Meaning – they can do some of the work.

So I’m trusting the energy field to hold the experience of the tele-classes.

This includes holding me as I work out the details.

Holding the guests as they prepare.

Holding you, helping you get what you want and need from the calls.

I don’t have to do it all myself.

The heart and soul of the tele-classes is a powerful energy field that can send me reminders and ease and clarity and whatever else I need.? It’s got everyone’s best interests at heart and knows how to bring itself to life.

I don’t have to do it all myself, in fact it’s better that I don’t.

And every time I feel nervous or stressed it’s because I’m forgetting this.

So I’m going to work on remembering.


Hearts + Souls Are Real. Or – How I’m Preparing For Next Week’s Free Tele-Class Series. Read More »

Starting Next Monday: A whole week of AMAZING + FREE tele-classes

This is EXACTLY what we need at this time of year – rich conversations about the inner process of creating your authentic, creative and abundant life.

No hype or fairy tales just real stories, real experiences and real inspiration.

I’m so grateful that I am able to offer this, and that so many amazing people have agreed to join me in it.

Read more + sign up here – yes you’ll get recordings if you can’t attend live so sign up even if you can’t be on the calls.

Starting Next Monday: A whole week of AMAZING + FREE tele-classes Read More »

Lights shine more brightly in the darkness.


When I decided to run The Peaceful Happy Holiday Season class, this was to grant myself a very big wish: to have my own peaceful, happy holiday season.

There is a lot of good stuff about the holidays. And a lot of stressful stuff.

This year I specifically did not want:

  • That feeling of buying gifts for people who don’t need anything, just because we’re supposed to buy gifts, and being stressed out about whether or not they’d like the gift.
  • That feeling of having eaten too much junk – you know that kind of stuff that’s at potluck parties or when I used to work in an office and there were sweets everywhere all the time and it’s like I was in a constant sugar coma.
  • Feeling rushed or busy, worrying that I “haven’t done enough”, doing things I don’t really want to do because this is what people do.

I got my wish.

I’m participating in The Peaceful Happy Holiday Season class, and finding my inner happy zen.

I’m making a point to appreciate the delightful things in my day-to-day life.

I’m doing yin yoga for an hour each day and appreciating sinking into the energies of this time of year that encourage stillness and turning inward and going deeper.

I feel peaceful, bright and expansive.

Lights shine more brightly in the darkness.

It’s so strange the way our culture in North America approaches the holiday season, because this is our dark quiet time of the year.

We’re fighting the natural energies by filling it up with parties and shopping and obligations.

Surrounding ourselves with artificial twinkle lights and ornaments instead of creating space for the brilliance of our inner lights to shine out.

Then again, it’s not so strange when you really think about it, because creating space for your brilliance means being more present in your inner world means dealing with your shit.? Nobody wants to do that, and so artificial twinkle lights and ornaments start to seem like a good substitute.

They’re not, of course.

There is so much magic in going into the darkness, being with the quieter, inward-focused energies that surround us at this time of year.

How can you give stillness more space in your holiday season?

And yes – if you join the Circle today you can still participate in The Peaceful Happy Holiday Season class.

Lights shine more brightly in the darkness. Read More »

Epiphanies, miracles and Ah-hah! moments abound.



Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance is a journaling class like no other: a whole year of Creative + Intuitive Healing + Transformation.

This is what we’ll be doing in 2015 in the Creative Dream Circle.


To celebrate the start of this new adventure, I’m hosting this FREE tele-class series, happening January 5-9, 2015.

Read on for more details, or click here to register now. (The calls are over and registration is closed – you can get all of the recordings inside the Creative Dream Circle, where we’re diving into the Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance program in 2015)

In each class we?ll explore a different topic relating to an aspect of growing your depth, nurturing your brilliance and living gorgeously with your dreams.

These are highly interactive calls where we?ll focus on answering your questions about the topic. So it will be LESS “experts telling you what to do” and MORE engaging in deep, meaningful conversation.



These calls will leave you feeling filled up, inspired and more connected to your own brilliant depths.

These calls are completely free to attend. And recordings will be available for free for 24 hours.

After that, the recordings will only be available inside the Creative Dream Circle, where we’ll be digging much more deeply into Growing Our Depths in 2015.



We?re kicking this week off with one of the people that I admire most in the whole world: Chris Zydel.

As an expressive arts teacher, Chris provides environments of encouragement that awaken your artist?s soul and challenge you to become a spiritual adventurer journeying to your own creative source.Chris and I will be talking about Trailblazing: boldly going where no one has gone before.

I invited Chris to speak about Trailblazing because of how much I admire Chris and what she has done with her Expressive Arts career – years before anyone? knew what Expressive Arts even meant.? Chris embodies the spirit of the creative spiritual trailblazer and I am deeply honoured to have her help me open up this series.

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Shannon Wilkinson is a life coach, teacher and writer who is obsessed with CHANGE. She uses mind-bending tools to help you change your mind, change your behaviours and ultimately change the world.

And so Shannon and I will be talking about change and how to work with it more intentionally.

I invited Shannon to be a part of this because of how grounded and effective she is as a coach. I believe she is one of the best of the best and am thrilled that she will be sharing her magic with us.

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Angel Sullivan helps you create websites that are true to your soul. As you grow your depth and nurture your brilliance you may find yourself wanting to share your thoughts, ideas and creative projects with the world. WordPress is a super accessible way to get started sharing your creative soul with the world via your own blog.

On this call, Angel will answer your WordPress questions so you can get started with your own blog or learn how to make your existing blog more true to your soul.

Angel knows WordPress, but there are a lot of WordPress experts out there. I invited Angel to be a part of this call because she is sensitive to the inner workings of putting yourself out there through your website and that is what builds the foundation for success online.




Susannah Conway is a photographer and author who leads classes that help to reconnect you to your true self.

In this class, we?ll be talking about the magic and power of sharing your story.

I invited Susannah to be a part of this because of how wildly inspiring her own story is. She understands how showing up in the world as your true self and finding the courage to share your story can actually change the story that you are living.

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Laurel Bleadon-Maffei is a mystical mentor and guide. She offers angel readings, spiritual coaching and business classes for light workers.

Laurel and I will be talking about working with divine guidance.

I invited Laurel to be a part of this because of how warm, loving and kind she is. I know that Laurel will create a safe and powerful space for you to connect more fully with divine guidance.

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Liv helps brave-hearted, open-minded ?human sparklers? understand their past and embrace their now in order to leap into their bright futures.

In this class, we’ll be exploring the idea of “coming out” as your authentic self.? Just showing up in your life as your actual self is an act of incredible power and is the first step towards living a more meaningful life.

I invited Liv to be a part of this because every conversation I have had with Liv has been full of joy, depth and light so I know you’re going to love this call.





Liz is an artist, author, Be Present retreat leader and she teaches creative self-care workshops online and in-person.

In this class we’ll be exploring how poetry can be a lifeline. Liz will answer your questions plus offer some poetry prompts for you to play with.

I invited Liz to be a part of this because I thought her approach to poetry would add a lot of richness to this series. Liz is gifted at creating space to help you access your own brilliant depths while acknowledging the realness of real life.

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Jamie is a creative living coach, here to help you be the star you are.

In this class, we’ll be talking about creative practice and creative projects, and how deepening into your practice can help give live to new projects.

I invited Jamie to be a part of this because it actually wouldn’t have felt right not to! Jamie and I have tones of things in common, like being Canadian creativity coaches with similar missions and ways of seeing the world. I also admire Jamie and her work greatly, our chats are always deeply nourishing so I look forward to sharing this chat with you!

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This series is bound to open up new possibilities for you, so we’ll finish off the week with an open call where you can ask questions and get my help with whatever you want my help with.

The purpose of this call is to make sure you are ready to take the inspiration you received and use it to move forward in whatever you way you want to move forward.


These calls will leave you feeling filled up, inspired and more connected to your own brilliance depth.

These calls are completely free to attend. And recordings will be available for free for 24 hours.

After that, the recordings will only be available inside the Creative Dream Circle, where we’ll be digging much more deeply into Growing Our Depths in 2015.

I’m looking forward to exploring all of this with you!




Epiphanies, miracles and Ah-hah! moments abound. Read More »

There is good in everything and possibilities abound but you really do have to get off your ass and go find them.

There is good in everything and possibilities abound but you really do have to get off your ass and go find them.

I’m siting in a coffee shop watching the wind swirling snow everywhere.

I walked here, and at first my walk was so nice – I love early morning winter walks.? But I fell on ice last week and while I thought I was all better, my right leg started to get very stiff halfway through my walk.? So now I have a one hour walk to get home, on my stiff aching leg.? And each time I look out the window the wind seems to be blowing even harder.

To say I miss the delight of being able to ride my bike everywhere would be a major understatement.

Last winter, I really enjoyed walking for 1-2 hours a day (with the right gear, it’s not hard to stay warm).? This winter I might not be able to do that, if my leg is not going to get better. The prospect of missing out on that fresh air and exercise doesn’t feel good.

In fact, it kind of opens up this downward spiral where I start to worry that I’m going to hibernate all winter, spend too much time alone and then get totally lethargic and depressed.

The truth is, there is good in everything and possibilities abound but you really do have to get off your ass and go find them.

So instead of giving that downward spiral any more of my attention, I am focused on looking for the good.

The truth is, I am wildly grateful that the Peaceful Happy Holiday Season Class is starting next week.

In writing out the materials for this class I remember the amazing power of collective intention.? The group holding this intention together makes it easier for each of us to shift out of our regular end-of-year patterns and create new ones, all filled with joy and delight and magic.

Plus I’ve been having so much fun making the pages for the colouring book you get with this class, I really had to hold myself back from colouring the pages in before I could get them scanned.

Most of us have established patterns of depletion that get activated at the end of the year.

Overspending, overdoing, over-drive approval-seeking, weakened boundaries and immune systems, too much sugar and booze and not enough self-care.

While each person is going to have different things that they’re facing and transforming in their lives, we all share the common theme focusing on avoiding depletion and ending the year in a state of being full.? Filled up, fueled up and ready for a fresh and fabulous 2015.

With the power of shared intention and the magic of creativity on our side, how can we fail?

When I focus on not letting myself start to slide down the spiral of wintertime despair and instead focus on creating what I want to create, everything lightens up.

Then I see a new spiral open up – one of delight and creativity and play.? And I am so grateful to remember that we ALWAYS have the power to change things.


There is good in everything and possibilities abound but you really do have to get off your ass and go find them. Read More »

Get my free journal for Creative Dreaming: