creative entrepreneur

Why DREAMING + PLAYING are more important than PRACTICALITIES.

We all seem to get to this place where we think it’s time to stop playing, and to start working.

Like it’s time to focus on the practical action steps.? To get real.

Like creativity and spirituality and exploring brave new (inner) worlds are awesome and all, but at some point you’ve got to start being a grown-up about your life.

At some point you need to-do lists and practical plans and well, you know – work just has to come before play.

This is bullshit.

PLAY has to come before WORK.?

The amazing discoveries that can only come through play inform your work and make it sparkle in a way that makes work-first work look boring and dull.? (Do you think your fabulously sparkling work might sell better than your boring dull work?)

CREATIVITY has to come before PRACTICALITY.?

The amazing wisdom that is accessible to you through your creativity will shake up and light up your plans in ways that are so brilliant they’ll make your practical thinking brain reel with jealousy.

If you put work before play and practicality before creativity, life gets dull.

You lose out on being in the flow of your unique creative genius.

And no matter how “successful” you become, you’re not going to be happy. ?If you define what success actually means to you I’m positive it will be about much more than how much money you’re making, or how many to-dos you’ve ticked off your list today.

Except it’s SCARY

You live in a world that tells you that work comes first, that you can count on the practicalities.

Even though, well, is it working for you?

For myself and my clients I’ve seen it happen time and time again: putting practicalities first puts you on that horrible hamster wheel of frustration of working-so-hard-while-not-getting-to-where-you-really-want-to-be.

Still, it’s hard to go against that kind of conditioning.

But that’s exactly what you’ve got to do – if you want to create REAL success.

Dreaming, playing, exploring your inner world… this is the path to real success.? Grounded and lasting and happy success.

It’s not that work isn’t a part of it.? It’s just that when you put these things first – work flows like magic.

You’ll have better ideas.

You’ll get more work done in less time.

You’ll be happier.

Win – win – win.



Why DREAMING + PLAYING are more important than PRACTICALITIES. Read More »

Time Management is a waste of time.

You’ve got to have stellar time management skills to succeed as a creative solo-preneur.


Here’s the truth:

You’ve got to have stellar ENERGY management skills to succeed as a creative being.

Developing stellar energy management skills is all about self-care, be-friending-of-the-self, discovering + activating your creative genius so you can do what you want to do from a place of true creative and spiritual power – all the stuff of Creative Dream Incubation.

Time is both limited and unlimited.

Limited in that you can’t actually create more time, so any time you try to manage the time you’ve got, you’re dealing in lack, trying to make the most of your measly slice of the pie.

Unlimited in that all you ever actually have is this moment, but this moment is infinite and contains infinite possibilities.? So even though you’ve only ever got this moment, this moment is plenty.

Energy is Unlimited.? But kind of complicated.

As a Highly Sensitive Person managing my energy seems like a pretty complex thing, but really it’s just about understanding what is good for me, and then doing that.

I don’t function at my highest creative potential when I’m not properly nurturing my energy.

I can easily get twice as much done in a morning, as I can in an afternoon.

The later I go to bed, the less I’ll be able to accomplish the next day.

If I go to bed after midnight – I simply will NOT be functioning from my creative genius the next day.? The energy won’t be there for that.? And sometimes it may take a few days to get back into my creative flow.

If I have alcohol I am putting my creative genius to sleep for at least 24 hours.

Etc, etc, etc. I discovered that I am an HSP about 15 years ago.? Since then I have learned a lot about what I need to flourish – it started by not trying to do what “everyone else is doing” and embracing the fact that if I want to be able to access my creative genius, I have to take care of myself.

This is the trick: When you function from your Creative Genius you don’t need anywhere near as much time to get shit done.

Plus, obviously, when you work from your Creative Genius your work is better.? You’re not just getting shit done, you’re making magic.

As a creative solo-preneur everything is easier when you are consistently doing your best work.

And you can’t access your best work if you’re not doing what you need to do to nurture your energy. ?You just end up running on a treadmill of to-do lists that you’re never going to catch up on.

The way off the treadmill is to focus on energy-nurturing instead of time-managing.

  1. Make a list of the things that fill you up. For me, this list includes: beach days, creative journaling, sewing, aromatherapy, mineral spa days, crystal healing meditations.
  2. Make a commitment to do some of those things every day.? No exceptions.

The fill-up is the most important part!

How far would you get if you kept driving your car and never stopped to fill it up?

Time management is all about trying to make the most of your empty tank of gas.

Energy management is all about filling the tank with the highest quality fuel and keeping it full, so your engine purrs happily all the way along the path to your dream come true.



Time Management is a waste of time. Read More »

It’s possible. I promise.

We live in amazing times.? Closed doors have been opened, the playing field has been leveled.

We live in a time when any creative person can turn their creative joy into their livelihood.

Maybe, technically, this was always true.? But not really.

When I graduated from university, with a degree in fashion design, I wanted to be an artist.

My fourth year of university had been a time of creative flourishing for me.? I was expanding creatively while exploring the world of textile art.? And my work showed a lot of promise.? I made the top 10 list for Designer of the Year.? And I remember my surface design teacher asking me to not give up, to find a way to keep doing the art I was doing.

And I told her I would.? And I did.? I mean, to the best of my ability.? And I’m only 39, but still – but still the world was very different than it is today.

To sell my work I had to approach galleries.? I had to spend hours and hours and hours preparing to present my work to each gallery.? And then, even when they did want to represent me – everything about it was entirely under their control, which meant my career was under their control.? As I kept showing my work I did start to build up a very small following, and was lucky enough to start to get some commissions but still, it was a long, hard road.

The traditional gallery system serves gallery owners far more than it serves artists.? This isn’t news.

The internet has changed that.? As creatives, we can market and promote ourselves, build our own audience and be empowered in our creative careers.

In fact, the internet has made it so easy that with $100 or less you can set yourself up to sell your art online.

This is good. And bad.

While there used to be too many barriers to entry, now there sometimes too few.

It’s MUCH easier to set up a blog and an etsy shop than it is to master your art.? This means it’s possible to set up your online art business before you’ve really developed your work.

Which means you put it out there too soon, before you really know what you’re saying as an artist.? And your potential customers don’t buy because they also don’t really know what you’re saying as an artist.? And you give up and decide that you’re not good enough.

But really, you just needed more time to find your creative voice.

It’s possible.? I promise.? But it may take more time than you want it to.

Spend more time creating.? Don’t start to sell your work because you want to start making money from it.? Start to sell your work because it really honestly truly feels like it’s time to share it.

And when it’s time, spend more time learning about business than you think you need to.? Remember that anyone can set up a blog and an etsy shop.? If you want to succeed you’ve got to go deeper.

And as I’ve already talked about, once you get the hang of marketing – bring your creative genius to it.? Play with it.? Have fun growing your business!

Learn from as many different people as you can.

I’ve had a lot of different business teachers/coaches.? It’s really helpful to get different perspectives and ideas.

That’s why I’m so happy about the Don’t Lost Your Shit sale.

$1500 worth of business products for $97?? This is what I mean about how it’s getting easier and easier to bring your creative business dream to life.? There is so much help available!

Most importantly: Don’t Give Up.

It doesn’t happen overnight.? But it will happen as long as you don’t give up.

It’s important to seek out different teachers and mentors to get different kinds of help.

And to create support systems for your dream.

Because it’s not going to be easy and you’re going to want to give up and it’s important that you don’t.

Why is this important?

All of my adult life I have felt driven to create a meaningful soulful creative life for myself.

I was never able to find a job that really fit that.

Some came close, but I needed the wild creative abandon that I can only get from being my own boss and crafting my own unique flavour of success.

It’s NOT about BUSINESS.

It’s about creating a life that is true to who you are.? And the simple reality that money has to come into play there somewhere and somehow.

While some time and energy are needed to figure things out and to create the structure of your business, ultimately you don’t have to spend any more time than you want to doing “business stuff”.

You can built it in a way that fits your skills and preferences.

You can leave out the parts you don’t like.

You can hire out the parts you don’t like.

There are a lot of options.

The main thing is to be true to yourself.

This is what I’m “working” on right now: DELIGHTING IN DOING THINGS MY WAY.

Even when, especially when, this is different from how “The Experts” say to do it.

And it feels GOOD.

creative journaling

I am so grateful that my life is so GREAT FULL!

And a huuuuuge piece of that is my work.

Getting to do the creative work that lights me up and feels congruent with my purpose and truth and soul.? Sharing my creative essence with the world.? Working with people that inspire me like crazy.

There were many many many many many many times along the way when I was sure I wouldn’t get here.

I am so grateful that I didn’t get up.


It’s possible. I promise. Read More »

You’re invited: Creative Biz Facebook Par Tay!

Next week only, my Creative With Money Kit is a part of the epic Don’t Lose Your Shit Sale – awesometastic offerings from 30+ experts wrangled into one mind-bogglingly valuable package worth $1,500.

Each product helps with either productivity and organization, health and wellness, general business improvement, or some combination of the three.


To celebrate, I’m writing about Creative Business every day next week, and then on Friday we’re having a Creative Biz Facebook Party!


You’re invited: Creative Biz Facebook Par Tay!

On Friday, August 9 at 2pm Central (click for to see what time this is in YOUR time zone).

We’re meeting on the Creative Dream Incubator Facebook Page (make sure to follow that link and “like” the page so that you can participate in the party!).

When the party starts, I’ll post the photo above of the unicorn and the party will happen in the comments on that photo.

You can:

  • Share links to your creative business, or tell us about your creative business dream!
  • Meet + chat with other inspiring creative business owners.
  • Ask me your questions about turning your dream into your business, or anything to do with creativity + business.? I’ll be there until 2:30 answering live!

It’s going to be superfun!

For now: Like the Creative Dream Incubator Facebook Page? so that you can participate in the party next Friday.

You’re invited: Creative Biz Facebook Par Tay! Read More »

Treasure Mapping Continued

I am treasure-mapping my way to growing my business, and sharing the honest actual story, AS IT HAPPENS, as I fumble along this path with creativity, heart and soul. If you want to follow my adventure:


And this is my map as it is today:

creative journal

It’s got 2 new steps since last time I shared it.

Funny, hey?? The next step was: All The Magic Is In The Inner Path.

Being able to see the outer path (which is what my last post about this was all about) only led to the reminder that all the magic is in the inner path.

And that clear plan I created in the last post?? That was just what I needed to get to the next part in the journey.

Sometimes a clear plan is just to help you feel more about feeling confident, sure and ready to move forward – it’s not necessarily something that you end up actually doing.

This is pretty common in Creative Dreaming, because each step you take alters the whole path.

I like having a plan, it helps me feel safe and sure.? But I rarely follow them all the way through.

Obviously, in business you’re supposed to have a Clear And Solid Plan Full Of Proven Success Strategies and then follow it to the letter to guarantee success.

Blech!? I’d just as soon get some stupid job than run my business that way.? Treasure Mapping is more complicated and infinitely more rewarding.? (Also more creative, honest, true, free and fun – all the things that matter to me most)

To explain where I am now, I’m going to go back a few weeks ago, when I was drawing a Mandala in my journal.? I was drawing away when my Mandala spoke to me.

Mandala Drawing



So much of my work is about making inner growth SAFE so that the kind of radical transformation we really want is POSSIBLE.

COMFORTABLE and FUN felt a little foreign, and a little exciting.

As you know, the past few weeks I’ve been re-focusing my creative energies and channeling them into creating more engaging + inspiring promotional stuffs, instead of creating a new product.? Audience-growing.

Audience-growing is an uncomfortable thing for me.

When I decided to move my in-person creative-spiritual work online and turn it into more of an I-can-quit-my-day-job business, I understood that I had to build up an online audience in order to do that.

I created a free e-course, advertised and promoted it, and quickly grew my email list to about 2,400 people.

With 2,400 people enjoying my e-course it was not hard for me to find coaching clients.? And the clients I was getting were such lovely people that I felt like my whole email list was full of lovely people, so this size of a list was comfortable to me.

But the thought of having it grow was NOT comfortable.

And so my list stayed stagnant for about 3 years.

People came and went and the overall number stayed at 2,400.? Even though I understood that I could grow my business faster if I grew my list faster, the thought of emailing 2,500 people made me very uncomfortable.? 2,400 was definitely my limit.

And then I decided it was time to grow it.

We did some work around VISIBILITY in the Creative Dream Circle in late 2012, early 2013.? Exploring it, making friends with it, finding ways to collaborate with it.? (The recording from that class is still available in the Circle, so if you want to explore visibility, join us!)

I’ve totally changed my inner relationship with visibility.

Today my email list is over 3,100.? And more than 7,700 different people visited my website in the last month, visiting over 20,000 pages.? I am pretty visible!

(Last month I only had about 3,400 different people visit my website.? The big thing that made a difference this month was my Mandala post which currently has 1.5K Facebook likes and brought in about 3,000 new people just in a few days)

Earlier this week I started feeling anxious.

Tuesday I actually had a panic attack, which has not happened in at least 10 years (since I discovered The Art Of Extreme Self-Care).

Wednesday I woke up feeling good but found I was getting more anxious as the morning went on, so I grabbed my journal and my to-go journaling kit (which thankfully also includes some very soothing essential oils and treats) and went to the park.
Creative Journal Picnic

Where I made a new friend.

He was so darling!? He stood there for a good long time, then I guess he decided he trusted me enough to come out of the hole.? He lounged in the sun in the grass while I started journaling.

Then a plane flew overhead.

I wondered if he’d freak out or if he is used to airplanes, since he lives to close to the airport so this must happen a lot.

He moved closer to the trees and flattened his body against the ground.

He made himself small in the face of danger.

Nature tells us to make ourselves small in the face of danger.? So making yourself more visible, which is like making yourself bigger, goes against nature.

But it felt like there was something more for me to see in that, and I thought about it for the rest of the day.

And then I said: You know what?? That’s not true for me anymore. I mean, there are lots of legitimate reasons to be afraid of visibility.? And all fear is legitimate and deserves to met with love and compassion.

But I’ve already done SO MUCH work on this.

And so what if more than 7,700 different people visited my website in the last month.? Just like the plane flying overhead wasn’t a true danger to the prairie dog, this is not a danger to me.

While that might seem obvious to YOU, that did not feel obvious to ME just a few months ago.? I do have a LOT of personal experiences of visibility being scary, uncomfortable and dangerous.

The prairie dog showed me just how much I have gotten over that.? And how much I am ready and able to create whatever sense of safety I need for myself, without having to be in hiding.


creative journal

I saw that I really am ready for growth to be EASY.

So that’s what I’m working on now.? I’m using the creative soul alchemy techniques I teach in the Circle to shift my energy and align align my whole being with EASE, and fill my relationship with my dream with EASE.

This is when I got the next message from my Treasure Map: Ease is the Ticket

I just got this message yesterday, so I don’t know what it means yet.

I am looking forward to exploring it and I can already see that this dovetails perfectly with JOY.

JOY is our theme for the August Creative Dream HOLYday.

HOLYdays are a 3 hour tele-retreat/playdate that we do every month in the Circle.? They are also known as How To Fill Your Life With So Much Magic It Actually Sparkles.

HOLYdays have transformed my life in more ways than I can say – HOLYdays are THE BEST.? I always come out of them with a giant energy shift and a big goofy smile on my face.

I highly, highly, highly recommend YOU joining and playing along – this one is happening on August 3.? It’s the best energy healing ever and you get to play all the way through it.

If you can be there live you can even get coaching from me while we’re on the phone!? If you can’t be there live everything is recorded and we’ll be playing with the material all month long.

What happens to my plan when I Let Joy Be The Fuel?? What happens once I’ve got my Ease Ticket?

That’s what I’m exploring next.

I’m planning daily meetings in the CrazySmart Wisdom Council in the Creative Dream Circle where I can get, well, CrazySmart Wisdom about this.

I’ll be looking for clues as I prepare for our JOY HOLYday.

And I’ll report back next week.

If you’re enjoying reading about my adventure I want to encourage you to join the Creative Dream Circle, so YOU can access all of these amazing creative playful transformative tools.

Plus you can get advice and coaching from me once a month during the HOLYdays and I’ll be cheering you on every day in the forum.

Let’s make YOUR dream REAL!

?To find out if the Circle is right for you, start with the (free! and amazing!) Creative Dream Initiation, right? here.


Treasure Mapping Continued Read More »

On being copied.


Last week I was accused of copying someone else’s work.? I was really bewildered by the accusation, since I’ve been doing what I do for so long, and met this person so recently I didn’t see how they could think that was even possible.

I know I have felt copied many times.? And I know that feeling sucks.

But being on the other side of it, I could see even more than ever – that unless someone is actually actually making copies of and selling your work it’s really best to just let it go.

I could see how this person thought that my work is too similar to hers – on the surface.? But she didn’t take any time to get to know me or find out where the inspiration came from.? Which, of course, I don’t do either when I feel like someone is copying me!

From where I sit, I can see that I have a few close friends and about 20 online acquaintances who do the exact same thing that this person thinks I copied from her.? I’ve known those people longer and they’ve been doing their thing for longer so if I was going to copy someone if would be that group of people, not this person I just met.

It’s obvious I didn’t copy her. And there is nothing I can say that will change that she feels copied.

It’s a crappy situation.

With so many people sharing so much creative work online, this can be a really tricky grey area.

When you see someone do something that you think was your idea first – ugh!

Bringing your Creative Dreams into the world is so freaking vulnerable + scary. And then to go through all of that, to have your idea stolen?? ARGH!

It makes you feel hopeless.? Like this is more evidence that your dream will never happen for you.? Like you can’t trust in the goodness of people.? Like it’s not safe to share your creative ideas with the world.

It reminded me of last summer when I met Jess from Seek Your Course.? She was traveling around North America, putting on Creativity Workshops and meeting with Creative Leaders.

She wanted to get to know us and also learn more about our challenges and brainstorm ways to overcome them.

She told me that the #1 challenge of other Creative Leaders is COPYING.

“COPYING?”? I said, “No, that’s not a problem.”

And Jess told me about how people will take a weekend workshop with someone, and then turn around and start teaching that same course.? Like, using their exact templates and techniques.? They actually photocopy other people’s materials and use them to teach from!

Now that is NOT a tricky grey area.? That’s illegal and lame.

And really – the internet is FULL of copying.? Often I land on a new website and am BLOWN AWAY by how it looks exactly like Famous Blogger’s website, right down to language used, and products and services offered for sale.

(Which is why I am always talking about how bringing your dream to life is NOT about finding the right map to follow, because then you end up with a cheap copy of someone else’s dream)

And that’s sad but still – I don’t think it’s a problem for a true Creative Leader.

Real or imagined – your copycats are NOT your competition.

Because people aren’t buying your product or service on its own – they’re buying your product or service animated by your creative essence.

Sometimes The Copycats are really successful.

If someone is straight-out copying other people’s work and selling it – their creative essence is blocked.? Which doesn’t mean no one will want their work.

Other people whose creative essence is blocked, people who are afraid of having it truly be un-blocked, will be drawn to them.? Because they are a safe person – they’re not going to push them out of their block-ness and into the dangerous wildness of being in their creative essence.? They get to play with the creative stuff but stay totally on the surface.

So to the person being copied it can feel like the copy-er has stolen their potential clients.

But they haven’t.? Those people probably wouldn’t have bought from you because they’re not ready for someone who is un-blocked enough in their creative essence to create their own stuff.? That’s too scary for where they are right now.

Same goes for that tricky grey area where people just feel like they’re being copied.? A thousand people can be doing the same thing – but everyone is going to bring their unique creative essence to the way they are doing it.? And if you’re working online – there can easily be room for thousands of people to be doing the same thing.

We can only teach/give what we ARE.

Goodness, look at the online mixed media art journaling community!? Such a huge, thriving community of people basically all doing the same thing: mixed media art journaling.

And yet, when I think about some of my favourite teachers in that community, people like Effy Wild, Samie Harding, Tamara LaPorte – you can see that they’re all teaching the same thing and each doing it in a totally unique way.

They’re teaching from their creative essence.

Their students want to learn creative journaling, but they come to them, specifically, for who they are.

But getting there is a journey.

In most things, we start by copying/emulating.? When I started leading healing and meditation circles, and teaching classes on spirituality, I was doing so from a curriculum.

While I did this, I was doing what I could to bring my creative essence into what I was teaching and was developing my own creativity workshops on the side, bringing in everything I knew from 10 years of living as an artist – which, in my experience, brought spirituality to life in a way that nothing else could.

I kept on developing my own ideas and approaches until eventually I could no longer teach from someone else’s curriculum, and I left that spiritual center to start my own thing so I could teach MY ideas.

It’s not wrong to start out copying.?

Just name your sources.? Ask their permission if you want to sell what they’ve taught you, if they don’t give it – respect that.

If, instead of jumping in and starting to teach/sell before you’ve developed your own style/technique/approach, you take some time to develop your work – you’ll be amazed by how quickly your unique style and voice will emerge.

Then you’ll have something cool and different to teach/sell.

I’ve been studying what I teach for 20 years.

Right now my focus is on deep, deep integration.? At the deepest levels I can access.

When someone works with me what they’re getting beneath the surface of the program is TRANSMISSION.?? To learn from someone who walks their talk opens up permission in the deepest parts of ourselves, to discover and embrace our unique truth.?

I believe this is the most valuable thing anyone can teach.

Working with someone who walks their talk is a totally different experience from working with someone who doesn’t live from that deep down soul-connection to their creative essence, even if they put on a good show, say all the right things and have their work beautifully packaged.

I had a teacher who was unable to walk his talk.? At first, it was confusing and sad.? Over time, it created more and more chaos and division in the whole community until he had no choice but to leave.

I got to see first hand what happens when a leader doesn’t lead from within, which helps me in my commitment to doing what I can to stay in alignment with my creative essence, and then to let my work come from there.? (This is also why people always say that I have such a unique style – because I’m not focused on what it looks like, I’m focused on how deeply connected I am to my creative essence.)

The most important thing to remember about copying is this:

People can only copy external things.? They can’t copy your essence.

NO ONE else has YOUR creative essence.

NO ONE ELSE can stop you from succeeding.? (I promise.)

Stay focused on doing your best work and being true to your creative essence.

Unless they are truly harming your business in some way – leave the copycats alone, it’s a waste of energy.

It’s better to use that energy to stay focused on doing your best work and being true to your creative essence. ? Then you can’t lose – no matter what anyone else is doing.

On being copied. Read More »

A plan emerges from the Treasure Map…

This series isn’t really about business, it’s about the inner process of bringing a dream to life.? It just so happens that my current dream is to bring more of my creative genius into how I promote and grow my business.? So the first part of this post has more business stuff that may bore you if you’re not into business – just skip ahead to the last part, that is still relevant for any kind of dream-growing.

Once I’d finished exploring the last step, Find The Places Of Clarity, the next step was: Now You Can See The Path.

I sat with that and realised – well, yes I did see the path.? Things feel clear now.? Finally! My Treasure Map Provided me with a list of practical THINGS TO DO.

Before I share the list I just want to say that it’s not about the list!? It’s about the process that brought me to the list… which is what makes the list so magic and right for me.? The beautiful part of Creative Dreaming is that each of us has to create our own unique path, at times this is also the frustrating and complicated part.

I’m working with my Create A Map That Leads To Your Dream kit to make the map and using the CrazySmart Wisdom Council in the Creative Dream Circle to get the map to talk to me.? So far I’ve followed the Treasure Map from:

  1. Be Present
  2. You Have To Trust The Path Before The Path Will Appear
  3. Deal With Major Freakouts (Fears, Doubts, Inner Critics, etc)
  4. Find The Places of Clarity
  5. Now You Can See The Path

And here it is, the very simple plan:

  1. Blog more.? Aim for 3 times a week.? But put quality over quantity.? Pay attention to what you are doing that gets the most attention from people and write in more detail about that.
  2. Be more consistent about posting inspiring things on Facebook.
  3. Create a new free program.? Some kind of Dream Journal thing on the blog.? And do some free calls.
  4. Accept that being introverted, even online, means you need recovery time built into your outreach program.? You just can’t do as much as you want to do.

Obviously, the first advice I received about this still stands: Be in the magic and enchantment of your work and share the amazing-ness of it all: openly, brightly and honestly.? This is your work now.? That is the foundation I stand on in this work.

It’s kind of funny how simple and obvious all of this is.? But that usually is the way with Creative Dreaming, but once you start doing those simple and obvious things it all turns into magic.

Blog more.? Pay attention to what you are doing that gets the most attention from people and write in more detail about that.

This one comes with a small caveat: don’t pay attention to what everyone is saying? Pay attention to:

  1. The kind of people you want to work with
  2. The kind of people who are already buying your stuff

It can take a while to get a sense of who your Right People are, and who they aren’t.

Talking to your Wrong People will only wear you out.? And if you’re writing to your Wrong People you’re going to draw in more Wrong People (I have been guilty of this).

For the past year or so, my blog has been “my journal”.? I turned comments off (because who allows commenting on their JOURNAL?) and just wrote about me and my process of living with my creative dreams.? I needed the outlet to write things out.? And I didn’t have energy for writing blog posts, I was giving all of my creativity to my programs.

Now I’ll be directing more of my creativity to writing inspiring + helpful blog posts.? And by paying attention to what is getting the most attention, I write more about what you’re interested in right now – which will (hopefully!) make my blog posts are even more inspiring + helpful.

Be more consistent about posting inspiring things on Facebook.

I don’t like Twitter (though try to visit regularly), I don’t understand Google + and LinkedIn seems like a foreign country.? But I like Facebook, so I am going to concentrate on Facebook for social media.

There have been times when I would schedule a week’s worth of posts in advance.? This meant I was always consistent but I didn’t like doing it – entering all those posts in felt like a job.? Hiring someone to do it feels obnoxious.? Having things go out that don’t match my mood feels weird.? And the Treasure Map told me to only work with ideas from the I LIKE THIS pile, so weekly scheduling is not going to work.

I also don’t like feeling like I’m supposed to be sharing something, and not knowing what to share, so some kind of plan is needed.? Looking just at the I LIKE THIS pile, my plan is to share something from my morning creativespiritual practice time where mega-inspiring things always happen.

Mornings on my Miracle Pod with journals, art supplies, crystals, aromatherapy and a latte.

Then, afterwards schedule a few other things just for that day… look inside my heart for what ideas I’d like to put out into the world that day.? I can make this a part of my morning practice fairly easy.? Though I’ll probably miss some days, that’s ok.

Create a new free program.? Some kind of Dream Journal thing on the blog.? And do some free calls.

I’ve already got the Creative Dream Starter Kit as a free thing that introduces people to my ideas and gives them a ton of ideas, inspiration + fuel for walking along their Creative Dream Path.? What I want to create is something new that happens on my blog that draws new people in and gets them engaged.

I want it to be FUN + HELPFUL.? I? want the people who play along to get immediate benefits.? I want them to be having so much fun with it that they tell their friends and write about it on their blogs.? I want me to have fun with it too!? I did something like this when I first started blogging (a year of Creating Dreams Come True posts) and I loved doing it and I loved the community that gathered around it.

And I want to do free calls once in a while.? I have done this in the past and it’s super fun.? The calls can be tied into this new thing, or they can be separate, I’m not sure that matters.? I’ve also been thinking about including a Livestream element to the calls.

Since creating products is in the I LIKE THIS pile I am really looking forward to working on this.

Accept that being introverted, even online, means you need recovery time built into your outreach program.? You just can’t do as much as you want to do.

This one is more important than it sounds!? That voice that keeps saying “OMG What have you even accomplished this week?” SUCKS ENERGY.

Permission to work at a healthy pace CONSERVES ENERGY.

It actually makes it possible to get MORE work done.

This list feels simple, do-able and complete – for now.

At this time, my Creative Outreach Strategy does NOT include anything to do with SALES.

How sales work for me is that people decide for themselves when they want to COME PLAY WITH ME.? I have done a lot of work around creating clear offerings and creating a nicely-lit path that leads my Right People to them (while deflecting my Wrong People so they can go off to find their Right Thing).

My sales are steady, and enough to comfortably support myself.? I trust that more people coming in is going to equal more sales… eventually.

Creative Dreaming is vulnerable work.? Some people come to my website and immediately feel called to work with me.? Others read my stuff for years before signing up for anything.? The timing has to feel right for them, I have no control over that.

How Will I Know If My Strategy Is A Success?

If I’m not counting on seeing an increase in sales right away, what am I going to measure to know if this is working?

The honest answer is that I want to feel inspired + alive in what I am doing with my Creative Outreach Program.? So I’ll know by how I feel.

If you don’t have enough money coming in, it’s likely that if you follow this process your intuition is going to lead you to start with that piece.? Again, I highly recommend this and also have a Creative Business Incubator in my Creative Dream Circle if you want to learn more about my approach to business.

So this is not my End All Be All Final Plan, just a framework to get me started bringing my Creative Genius into how I promote + grow my business, and to wrap my head around what it means for me to be focusing my time and energy on promoting my work instead of creating new programs.

I’m sure my plan will change as I start working with it.? I’ll keep having meetings with the Treasure Map to make sure I stay on the right path.

The Important part is NOT the plan.

The important part is what lead to the creation of the plan: dealing with inner stucks, listening to my inner creative genius, following my intuition and building my path based on all of that.

This works because there is ALWAYS a way to get to where you want to be.? It’s just that that way is usually not the way you think it will be.? So you’re looking at how you think it’s supposed to be, and all you see are obstacles, so you decide there is no way.

Always always always.? Always!

There is ALWAYS a way IF you put the inner work FIRST.

PS: Since I’m going to be blogging more I am looking for blog topics!? If there’s something you’d like me to blog about, leave a comment below and let me know!

A plan emerges from the Treasure Map… Read More »

The Path to Creative Business Success

Part 1 is here: What No One Tells You About Marketing + Creative Business.? That ended with me making a Treasure Map and the map telling me that I have to trust the path before I can see it.

After I wrote that post, the Just Give Up Already Creative Dream Monster showed up to do his Monster Dance all of over my dream.? Part of his dance is to throw all these reasons-to-quit at me.

His purpose is to get me to give up before I’ve really begun.

It was a rough few days.?

I am mega-grateful for the Un-Sticking Station in the Creative Dream Circle, which is a space to transform whatever is in your way – fears, doubts and inner critics as well as outer obstacles.

As I worked through this process, I found there were 2 different things happening:

  1. The inner process of learning to TRUST the PATH is the process of letting go of the outcome and choosing the path to choose the path.??Secretly I wanted to choose the path more for the destination, and also hoped that if I chose the path for the right reasons, I would be rewarded by getting what I want.
  2. In order to fully commit to choosing the path, I had to meet with all of the parts of me that don’t want me to do this (fears, doubts, inner critics) and do the inner work of getting them on board with my plan.

What I needed to do was lots of journaling, meditation and contemplation.? I had to explore the path itself and my reasons for wanting to be on the path before I could fully commit to it.

I was tuning into my mission and aligning myself with it – physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.

We usually want to rush past this step but without it there is no hope for success.

We want to rush past it because it can get very uncomfortable.? Depending on how much inner work you’ve already done around your dream, this part can involve a lot of tears, grief, anger, confusion and doubt. Or it can be all epiphanies and healing and YAY! DREAM! I LOVE YOU LET’S DO THIS!

For me, it was a mixture.? A quiet, gentle deepening into my intention.

Some of the kinds of questions I was exploring:

Why am I doing this?? REALLY why am I doing this?? What do I want to get out of it?? Are there better/easier/funner ways to get that?? Is this REALLY what I want or is this what I think I’m supposed to want?? What parts of me don’t want it?? Why?? How do I want to feel when I have it?? How do I want to feel while I’m on my way to it?? What am I NOT willing to do to get it?

Which lead to all sorts of other questions.? Many many many pages have been filled in my journals.

And after a few days of exploring this, I spent Friday at the mineral spa – soaking in the mineral hot tubs and steaming in the aromatherapy steam bath and unwinding. Opening up space inside of me for everything I explored to sink in and solidify inside me.

In the end, even the part of me who is all “DUDE! You don’t have time for this “inner work” bullshit! Get to work!? REAL work!” had to admit that doing all of this untangled everything for me.

Last week when I thought about what it meant to bring all of my attention and energy and creativity into building my business – my brain would get all tangled, my body would kind of tense up, and I felt like a deer in headlights.? I didn’t know what to DO.

This week, I feel a little nervous but mostly inspired.? I feel sure that this is what I want to do.? I feel solid in my commitment to do it.? I feel super inspired about all the things I want to DO to grow my business with creativity + soul.? I feel grateful that I get to choose this as my path.

The nervous part comes from my decision to share the journey while I’m in it.

Most pros say you should NEVER do this.? You should go through your struggles and trials privately, and then when (IF) you emerge on the other side all sparkly and victorious – THEN you share the story of how you got there.

I think that’s bullshit.

How inspiring is it that you didn’t trust your path until you had safely arrived at your destination?

So I am committed to sharing this adventure – no matter where it leads. This is the kind of faith I have in my Creative Dream Processes.? I know that if I stay in the process I’ll get to exactly the right place at exactly the right time.

At this point, the hard part is figuring out WHAT to share – after days and days of meditation and journaling, I learned a lot of cool stuff… like:

1. How hard it is to be 100% committed to any dream, because of this:? If I really, truly, honestly give it my ALL and then I fail – that would break my heart so bad I would not be able to recover.? (I’m going to write a whole post about this one)

2. My Inner Starving Artist does not accept that I am where I am today.? That I can have a gorgeous brand new loft condo and a car and this creatively, spacious, flowy lifestyle.? I show her my bank account and show her how I pay for all of this with my creative work and it’s like she can’t see it.? Her life was very, very different.

I have more work to do, bringing her out of the past and into the present.? (I’m using the Transform Your Inner Critics, Fears + Doubts Kit for this)? I know that working with her to transform her energy will give me a fantastic energy boost for my mission – she is highly creative, determined and hard-working, it will be great to have her on my team.

Getting to the Next Part

I went back to the Treasure Map and asked it for my next step.? (I’m using the CrazySmart Wisdom Council in the Creative Dream Circle to get these genius answers)

The new steps are:

  1. Deal with Freakouts (inner critics, fear, doubt)? Ha!? At that point I had already done that, but it was nice to get re-assurance that that is an important step.
  2. Find The Places of Clarity


Find the Places of Clarity

It feels like I am taking forever to actually, like DO SOMETHING about all this.? But the more time I spend creating a smooth path inside of me, the easier it is to walk the outer path.

So I took my journal out for coffee to explore what Find The Places of Clarity even means.

I wrote out my response to the prompt and quickly narrowed in on one idea… I’m not sure I know how to find the places of clarity.? But I as journaled about that a question came to mind that felt important: What Do I Like?

So I made a list of things I like about my business.? Things I like to do, things I like to have happen, things I am glad that exist.

Then it all became clear.

Not surprisingly, a lot of the ideas that I have learned about how to build and grow an online business did NOT end up on that list of things I like.

What if I just do what I like?? Officially move all the other things somewhere outside of my world.? I’d already decided to not DO those things, but they’re still there, in my brain.? There’s still this part of me thinking that eventually I’ll have to just bit the bullet and DO THEM, or find a way to make them be fun.

What if they could just cease to exist for me completely?? What if I was left with JUST THE FUN STUFF?

And a tiny voice asked: What if I let JOY be the fuel for this adventure?

Fireworks went off in my inner world.

One tiny inner critic has her arms folded tightly across her chest and is all “OMG NO!? YOU HAVE TO BE SERIOUS!? YOU HAVE TO DO THE RIGHT THINGS!? IN THE RIGHT ORDER!? OR ELSE YOU’LL FAIL!!!”

Looking back on all the things I’ve learned in this process so far, it was pretty easy to calm her down.

See, in the midst of all of this journaling and exploring I wrote a blog post about How To Draw Mandalas (And Why You Want To).? I put more effort into writing that than I usually put into blog posts, and did what I could to make it as helpful as possible.

This is exactly the kind of thing I didn’t have time for before, when I was focused on my programs.

One day later: that post has been pinned to Pinterest 62 times (and that’s not counting when people re-pin those pins!) and has 92 Facebook likes… so it’s on Pinterest and Facebook, bringing new people in.? And as a result: web traffic is up, email sign-ups are up.

And it was an absolute delight to write and share.? I LOVE drawing mandalas!? It is fun to share that love!

What if I did that every week?

Even my inner critic had to admit: that would be very good.? Even my inner critic wants to not do The Things That People Say You Have To Do That I Just Don’t Like Doing and even my inner critic can see that Maybe This Fun Stuff Actually Works Better For Me.

So I Found The Places of Clarity

It’s OK to proceed and follow the path of most juice: joy, inspiration, light.? I feel like I have more internal permission to do that now.

In the last few years of developing my work I have learned that it is more effective to PLAY your inner work that it is to “WORK on your stuff”.

It feels like now I am learning now that it is also more effective to PLAY with your business instead of WORK on it.

I look forward to where this is taking me…

If you enjoyed reading this and want to help me with my mission, I would totally appreciate if you would:

  1. Use the buttons below to share on Facebook, Google +, Pinterest and/or Twitter (If you?re reading this in your email, click here to do that)
  2. Follow my process over the next three months in whatever way works for you:? Facebook | Twitter | RSS. (This is different from my email list, if you join my email list you get my free Creative Dream Starter Kit and a regular weekly video for several months.)
  3. If you know someone who may be interested, or who is learning more about selling their art, please email them this post!

The Path to Creative Business Success Read More »

Be Open To The Adventure Of Being Where You Are

So, here I am.

Inspired and fired up.? I wrote this really popular post about business and creative genius and have every intention of taking my own advice.

I am actually overflowing with ideas of what I could do.

But I’m not really sure where to start.? So – I popped into the CrazySmart Wisdom Council in the Creative Dream Circle and received this sparkling gem of wisdom:

creative genius inspiration cards

If you only keep your eyes on the prize you miss out of the adventure of getting there.

More importantly – there is a 90% chance you’ll get to the wrong prize with that approach, because it’s the inner journey of bringing a dream to life that shapes and molds the dream as it heals and transforms you.? Which is why getting what you want, when you’re just focused on getting what you want, usually feels so hollow.

I know all of this, but I forget.? Which is why I have to visit the CrazySmart Wisdom Council so often.

I don’t want to just get what I want.? I want the magic and sparkle of the hero’s journey.

So I’ve decided to slow it down and to not act just yet.

To sit with my ideas and spend the next few days with my creative journals.

creative journals

Opening up to the adventure of being where I am.

Letting the path come out of the excitement, love and creativity of all of that.


My heart is practically bursting out of my chest, sparkling with happiness.? My creativity is dancing wildly around, my creative genius is decorating for a creative journal party with streamers and balloons and glitter and tiny pots of tea.

My inner wisdom is sitting quietly and saying yes.

Going inward is the only way to go forward.

If I leap ahead right now, my leap will be fueled mostly by hope and ambition.

Hope and ambition are ok.? But they are weak compared to purpose, spirit, creative genius, inner knowing and connection to spirit – that’s the kind of POWERFUL fuel I am looking for here.

I’m packing up my art supplies and this afternoon I’m going for a creative journal picnic (pics to come on Facebook and Instagram)…

Be Open To The Adventure Of Being Where You Are Read More »

What no one tells you about marketing + creative business

This post is inspired by seeing so many crazy-talented creatives struggle to fill online classes or sell their work, and by where I’m currently at in my business.

April, May + June of this year I was in a self-imposed creative cocoon. I was re-visioning and re-creating my Creative Dream Circle.? I cut back on blogging and social media to give more energy and attention to the Circle.

It’s July and I am coming out of that cocoon.? The new Circle is done, and it’s even more amazing than I’d hoped.

Normally this is where I?d take a week or two off to let my creative juices marinate and then dive back in and create my next thing.? I?m not doing that this time.

Instead, I’m going to spend the next 3 months using my creative energy to market + promote my work as my main Creative Project.

But not in the way you think.

NOT by screaming “buy! buy! buy!” to anyone with ears, NOT by putting ads everywhere and NOT by using any of the sales techniques I’ve learned in the last 3 years of taking business classes.

I’m going to do something totally different.

If you know anything about what I teach, then you know that you have to get to know the Heart and Soul of your Dream before you can even begin to understand how to bring it to life, and how the path to your dream is almost never what you think it will be.

You have to let go of ego-logic-thinky stuff and embrace the creative-intuitive-spiritual-feely stuff.

So it should come as no surprise that when I was sorting out what to do next with my business, I spoke to:

  • the Heart + Soul of the Creative Dream Circle
  • the Heart + Soul of my Business
  • the?Heart + Soul of my Dream for What Happens Next In My Business

… and they all say the same thing.? Be in the magic and enchantment of your work and share the amazing-ness of it all: openly, brightly and honestly.? This is your work now.

In the last three years, I’ve been taking a LOT of online business classes.? I know all of the tips and strategies.? But whenever I move towards that kind of approach I step out of the magic and the enchantment.? And it stops feeling right.

The Internet Marketing People Are Right About Some Things Though:

  1. People are not paying attention when they’re surfing online. So you need to put your offer out there CLEARLY and OFTEN.? Much more OFTEN than us sensitive creative types find comfortable.? So you have to learn how to stretch your comfort zone around promoting yourself (more on that soon).
  2. Most people in your audience, even people who really super totally love you and your work, are NOT going to buy from you.? This is not about you, this is just how the internet is.? Think about how many people you know online that you like – do you buy stuff from ALL of them?? A low conversion rate is not a sign of failure.? It means to go back to #1 and put it out there CLEARLY and MORE OFTEN.

Really – most of us sensitive creative types put our work out with kind of a whisper (I know it FEELS like you’re screaming it from the rooftops because self-promotion is so heart-breakingly uncomfortable, but trust me – you’re whispering) and then feel like failures when that doesn’t work.

This is painful and it’s no wonder marketing, promotions and sales get a bad rap in the creative community.? But really – marketing, promotions and sales are not the problem, it’s just the approach that is the problem.

The #1 Thing That Internet Marketing People Are Wrong About:

You don’t need to push so much – pushing the pain buttons to trigger a sale, pushing your people into high pressure situations, testing which colour pushes people to hit that BUY NOW button… yes these things can generate MORE sales, FASTER.? And for almost everyone – building a solid foundation, step-by-step is worth more in the long run than making as many sales as possible, right now.

There is always a way to make some cash without being a sleazeball.? <click to tweet!>

Pushing gets quick sales but it’s short-sighted.? Do you want a classroom full of people who were coerced into being there, or people who are excited to be there?? Or a bunch of clients who aren’t in it 110%?? Or customers who don’t appreciate or understand the beauty and magic of what you have to offer?

I remember, years ago, sitting in a coffee shop with a friend “I don’t want to be a sleazeball!” I said, almost in tears.? He laughed and said I’m not a sleazeball so why would I worry about it?

I had been leading creativity workshops, healing + meditation circles and doing spiritual counseling/coaching part-time for 3 years.? I was just starting out online.? I was 100% committed to growing my business and turning it into a full-time thing.

I thought to make that happen I had to get better at marketing and do these sleazeball things that seem to work for other people.

And this is the #1 thing that no one talks about when it comes to creatives and business:

Because you’re creative – you actually have an advantage over any and all sleazeball tactics.

You can promote yourself and your work in ways that are as elegant and inspiring as your art is.

When you bring your creative genius into how you approach your promotion, sales and marketing – magic happens.

And I mean bring as much of your creative genius into your promotion, sales and marketing as you bring into the creation of your work.

All that love and attention you give to every detail of your work – give it to every detail of how you promote your work.

All that TIME you give to your work – give equal time to promoting and selling it.? Or maybe even MORE – because you’ve probably got a lot of time to make up for.

THAT is when you’ll see results.

If you have no clue what to, like, DO to market, promote and sell – read some business books, take some business classes.? Start with this one.? You’ll thank me later.

Think of how long it took you to perfect your art, how hard you worked, and how much you sucked when you started.? Know that getting good at selling your art is a similar journey.

You need to learn about the basics and then PLAY with them.? CREATE with them.?? Explore and discover how to do them YOUR way (yes this part gets mighty awkward at times).

You need to not give up just because it’s hard.? Of course it’s hard.? Everything is hard when you’re still learning your way with it.

I know this is the last thing you want to do.? I know you hate marketing and self-promotion makes you itchy.

You’re going to have to get over that if you want to succeed.

It will be easier to get over it if you turn it into a Creative Project – something you can PLAY with.? Make it fun and interesting for you and your right people will feel your vibe and be happy to come play with you.

Yes. Make marketing + promotion a facet of your creative work.

I think of it as CREATIVE OUTREACH.

So, here I am, taking my own advice.

I’m really very good at putting transformational programs together.? I love doing it, I’m confident, I’m in my groove.? In fact, for the last three years I have been constantly creating new programs.? I want to keep doing that.

Instead, I’m taking ALL of my Creative Genius and I’m applying it to marketing and promotion.? I’m committed to spending the next three months doing this, and finding ways to enjoy it.

(Honestly – I’ve already found a lot of ways to enjoy it, it’s really not anywhere near as miserable as it seems.)

This is the work of supporting your work, your vision, your creativity and your purpose.? This is also the work of supporting yourself, and your family.? This is the work of inviting in more flow and ease to all parts of your life.

This is important work.

Bring your best stuff to it (your Creative Genius).

And give it the time, attention and energy it deserves.

If you focus all your time, energy and Creative Genius on making your thing, and none of it on marketing, promoting and selling – you’re selling yourself, and your work, short.

Other people, people with crazy big audiences who sell crazy tons of stuff – got there because they worked, hard, at this part.

There is a fantasy in the creative community that someone will come along and do it for you.? That you’ll be discovered.? That if you get good enough at your art – it will sell itself.

While I clung pretty tightly to that fantasy in my years as a starving artist, I have NEVER heard of that actually happening for anyone.? Counting on it happening for you is the same as KILLING your DREAM.

There is a space between full-on sleazy pushy sales and full-in hiding in your studio and painting all day.

It’s actually a big, beautiful, supportive, expansive, wide open space.? There is room to play.? There is room for you to be YOU.? There is support for you to take charge.? There is possibility and abundance and flow.

Stepping into this space is EMPOWERING.

How I’m Doing It

Monday I wrote about how a session with my Creative Journal transformed my Plans into a Treasure Map.

Now I’m working on the Treasure Map:


Creative Journal Treasure Map

I’m using my Create A Map That Leads To Your Dream kit to make the map.

And I’ll build the path as I go, as a part of my morning creative/meditation practice.

Today the map told me that I have to trust the path before I can see it.

Well, ahhh, yes, of course.?? I’m sitting with that today.? Letting trust kind of spill all over everything and see what it does… it’s probably easier to turn trust-stained Plans into a Treasure Map than not-trust-stained Plans.

Tomorrow I’ll come back to the map and explore what the next step on the path looks like.

I feel really vulnerable sharing this.

I don’t know where this is going, which is why it feels so vulnerable.?? But I’m also feeling really clear that sharing this process publicly as I work through it is important.

Want to help?

If you enjoyed reading this and want to help me with my mission, I would totally appreciate if you would:

  1. Use the buttons below to share on Facebook, Google +, Pinterest and/or Twitter (If you’re reading this in your email, click here to do that)
  2. Follow my process over the next three months in whatever way works for you:? Facebook | Twitter | RSS. (This is different from my email list, if you join my email list you get my free Creative Dream Starter Kit and a regular weekly video for several months.)
  3. If you know someone who may be interested, or who is learning more about selling their art, please email them this post!


And I’d love to hear your thoughts on marketing, selling and promoting your work. Where do you slip up?? Where are you thriving?

Creating ways to successfully share your gifts with the world is an epic, epic journey, I think this is the most important work we do.

This past was part 1 in a series as I was treasure-mapping my way to growing my business, and sharing the honest actual story, AS IT HAPPENS, as I fumble along this path with creativity, heart and soul.

If you want to follow the rest of the adventure:
1. What no one tells you about marketing + creative business

2. Be open to the adventure of being where you are

3. The Path to creative business success.

4.? A plan emerges from the treasure map

5. Why I?ve been stuck, plus exploring EASE and JOY

6. How Ease is the ticket and what that means

7. The End of the Treasure Map

What no one tells you about marketing + creative business Read More »

Journal Picnic today at the park…

I’m experimenting a bit with my routine, trying to find the places with the most flow.

I find summer heat draining.? And air conditioning obnoxious.? So finding places with any flow at all is a challenge some days.

This week I’m experimenting staying home all morning, and going for a journal picnic in the park in the afternoons.? (Usually I journal before I work because the Creative Journaling uncovers magic, activates genius and makes everything deliciously clear + easy.)

So here I was this afternoon:

And as soon as I sat down I felt STUCK.

I have been working on this new plan and noticed that I am really STUCK around moving out of planning and into doing.? I started to journal about it and very quickly my journal gave me some advice:

Over-planning is a trap you fall into while trying to avoid fear.
Side effect: you also avoid your dream.
Solution: Dive in. Play with your dream. Give your ideas form. Do not wait until you’ve got the “perfect plan”

Which totally resonated with people on Facebook.

Except, well, you know how it goes.? That’s great advice.? And it’s true.? And knowing that is different than being ready to act on it.

So I called in the parts of me who were ready and the parts of me who were not ready.? I gave them each space to voice their fears, concerns and desires.

And it all became clear.

There was this one beautiful space where each of their needs overlapped.

I was delighted to discover that that space was a Treasure Map.

I re-wrote my Very Serious Plan as a Treasure Map!

Then I called in the heart and soul of my dream and the heart and soul of this new project to bless, activate and magic-i-fy the Treasure Map.? And also: make sure I didn’t miss anything, and offer their advice and feedback on how to best navigate the Treasure Map.

And now tomorrow morning I don’t have to face this New Big Plan.? Instead, I get to take my first step on the Treasure Map.

Happy!? I do believe from now on I will make Treasure Maps instead of Very Serious Plans.

Journal Picnic today at the park… Read More »

[note to self] The bigger your dreams are, the more steady your foundation needs to be.

I have declared April, May + June 2013 to be a Creative Cocoon.? I am working on a new project and wanted to create this cocoon that is filled with all of the qualities it needs to grow into all that it cam be: spaciousness, trust, wonder, magic, creativity and structure.

What is really cool + different about how I am approaching this project is that I am creating it IN in the Creative Dream Circle.? So my fellow creative dreamers get to watch how I bring it to life – they get to see the magic unfold.

And, of course, they get to see my every stumble along the way.

What I really want to share with them is that you don’t just have an idea and then *pouf* make it real and it’s done.? You enter into the creative process with your vision, but the creative process itself changes your vision and it even changes you.

It’s basically walking through fire with your dream.

Dreams only stay perfect when you leave them on the shelf.

The path, the creative process, changes everything.? And it is so disorienting!? Some days I don’t even know what I’m doing or why I’m doing it.

This is hard/scary enough to do in the comfort and safety of my Dream Loft, but holycrapterrifying to do it with my fellow creative dreamers watching.

So I keep coming back to steadiness.

How I need to focus less on whatever is happening in my creative process and focus more on developing and maintaining internal steadiness.

This morning I am scared, scattered and confused.

I can’t connect to the deeper purpose of why I am doing this and so I can’t tell what direction to go in.? My internal compass is spinning around wildly.

My inner critics, fears, doubts, unhelpful patterns and limiting beliefs are trying to throw me off path.? To get me back safety into the center of my comfort zone.

My inner wisdom, spirit, purpose and infinite creative potential are holding onto the vision for me.? To call me forward along the next steps of my path.

So I am doing the work of creating internal steadiness.

Meditation. Energy work. Extreme Self-Care. Journaling. Creative Journaling. All the stuff in the Creative Dream Incubator – to access the courage I need to be able to see my next steps clearly.

Creative Journal
In my Creative Journal

You don’t always need to figure out what to do about the obstacles.

If you focus instead on developing internal steadiness sometimes you can hit them, and bounce over them without falling over.

I guess that is my assignment for today.

I started writing this because I couldn’t work on the thing I was supposed to be working on this morning.? So I am changing course and going to work on steadiness.

I’m going to create a Department of Internal Steadiness for this new project.

Oh!? That’s it – I’ve found my zing, my internal compass has stopped spinning and is now set on “GO!”


PS: Yes my internal compass is a real thing.? And I taught a class on how to access your internal compass, you get it with the Creative Dream Incubator Kit.

[note to self] The bigger your dreams are, the more steady your foundation needs to be. Read More »

Permission to change.

My creative journal kit has been in overdrive lately as I’ve been mapping out new plans.

I am taking 2 classes starting in April, 2 transformational classes that I am both super excited about and totally ready for.? They are providing me with the structure and support I need to make some really big changes in my life and my business.

And there is this part of me that is all geeeeeeeez, again?? You just changed everything, not that long ago.

Yup, I did.? And yup, I am doing it again.

Actually, that change led to this change.? Every change leads you to the next change.

There is this insane idea in our culture, that we’re supposed to do something once, and it’s done.

This is not how anything actually works, though.

And this idea actually makes it harder to start, because while it’s telling you that you have to get it right the first time it’s activating your inner perfectionist.

Perfectionism kills creativity.

Plus – how can you know the right way to do it if you’ve never done it before?


Creativity is flow and joy and trying things in an atmosphere of delight and letting your work, and your self, evolve.

Learning as you go.? Building as you go.? Growing as you go.

It takes the pressure off right now and it makes much bigger dreams possible, because each new thing builds on the last.

With each new thing you’ve got a stronger connection to your vast internal resources, so your possibilities become larger.

Change is the best!? Change is magic!? Change is INEVITABLE, it’s the only thing in our world that actually stays the same.

And yet, here I am, writing this post to myself to convince myself that it’s ok to change.

  • Reminding myself that the “what will people think?” voice is not a voice that knows how to lead me to where I want to be.
  • Reminding myself that the “holy CRAP this is so awesome!” voice has always led me to somewhere really amazing.
  • Reminding myself that I am ready for this next step.? If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here, at the starting point of this new journey.

Deep breath.

One of the crazy/beautiful things about my work is that I am always in this container of transformation with my clients.? As I do the work of supporting their dreams in coming to life my dreams are supported in the process.

Taking classes and working with mentors creates this gorgeous smooth supportive space where you can get what you need, to create what you want in your life.

Teaching classes and being a mentor speeds that process up.? They say you should teach what you need to learn.? What I love is teaching what I want to learn.? Helping others grow in the exact same ways that I want to grow.? There is so much beauty in that.? And as long as I am actively engaged in this kind of work, my dreams will be actively growing

Any place where I fight change stunts that growth and that is actually more uncomfortable than the uncomfortable parts of change.

So in conclusion,

Change: Bring it on!

Consider this your permission slip to change anything and everything you want to change.? If you want to share your thoughts on change, join the conversation on the Creative Dream Incubator Facebook.

Permission to change. Read More »

Creative Spiritual Business Q+A Call

This is an open call to ask me anything you want to ask about turning your Creative Dream into your business and explore the process of how to bring your business dream to life.

The bliss of working from home in my creative studio.

Creative Business Q+A Call

March 26 at 11am Central.

Click here to find out what time this is in your time zone.

Registration is $23, includes access to the live call plus the recording.? If you can’t be there live, you can send me your questions and I’ll answer them on the call.

Of course, I am not a business expert!

But I am happily 100% self employed with my own creative spiritual business and have learned a lot along the way.

When I first started doing my creativity workshops seven years ago, I’d sometimes put workshops on (I did all of my workshops/courses/healing circles/coaching in person back then) that had ZERO attendees(!)

I’d set everything up, and sit there and wait and nothing would happen.? I thought I’d have to keep my day job forever.

Happily, I was wrong.? These days, I support myself doing the things I love most and that day job is a distant memory.

And I would love to help you do the same.

[I do have an entire Creative Business Incubator in the Creative Dream Circle, with hours and hours of videos about every aspect of growing a creative spiritual business. This call cannot replace all of that – it’s just a simple Q+A.? If there is anything you want to ask me about making money doing what you love – this is your chance.]

Click here to join now

Registration is closed.? To get the recording, and a TON of other amazingly helpful dream-growing stuff, join the Creative Dream Circle.


Creative Spiritual Business Q+A Call Read More »

Hello, Money.

As part of my post-Creative With Money Playdate Assignments (fyi I am working on a kit version of the Playdate!) I have a monthly meeting with money.? Not like, spreadsheets and budgets, I look at the financial stuff in my business all the time. ?These meetings are different, this is where I meet with money, soul to soul.

Right now the Soul of Money appears to me as a peacock that lays golden eggs.

The backstory: It started out as a dam that first just confused me and then allowed me to profit from flow, and has since morphed into a few other stories and has been the peacock since last fall.? As I did my best to do what the peacock was asking me to to, in the winter it started laying golden eggs to show me possibility but I didn’t have a way to turn the eggs into anything useful.

When I tried to pick up the golden eggs, the gold peeled off and turned to dust.? Abundance was right there but I couldn’t pick it up.? But I kept working with the peacock and then this amazing golden art deco carriage showed up right behind the peacock that turned the eggs into coins.

And now, this month, there is a lot more gold sparkling in the air than last month, like the peacock has this permanent gold glitter backdrop.

But the peacock looks tired, and a little annoyed.

And so we begin (peacock’s words are in italic):

Honey, you’re not picking up all the coins!

What? I’m supposed to pick them all up?? How?

[We both sit in silence. I’m imagining running around exhausting myself trying to pick up the coins. The peacock is looking at all the coins strewn about on the ground and feeling sad about them going to waste.]

The carriage needs an accessory that gathers and holds the coins.

No, that’s your job.? Seriously!? I am laying the freaking golden eggs plus got this amazing cart that turns them into coins!? All you have to do is pick them up!? You won’t even gather the gold coins I have brought to you?

It’s not that I won’t.? I just don’t know how. Or… I guess I didn’t know that I was supposed to.

Honey, you have to receive me.

I thought I already did.

Well, you do.? But more is coming your way so you have to beef up your receiving.


You know how.? Those thoughts in your head right now… act on them.

OK, I can do that.

Remember: Don’t worry about how to do it, just do it.? The how will work itself out like it always does as long as you do what feels right and don’t do what feels wrong and LOTS of creative journaling BEFORE acting.

I should go buy some new art supplies.

YES! Get that stuff you need that makes creative journaling more fun.? Also: drink lots of tea, listen to music and fill the fridge with delicious and nourishing things.? Create the perfect container to bring all of this to life.? Picking up the coins is not the chore you’ve been making it out to be!? It’s a party, sweetie.

I see that now.? OK! I want to go shopping and then get journaling.? Thank you for this.

Clear Direction!? What a gift.

And I started to paint….

And it turned into a money compass.? Excited to see where it goes.

Hello, Money. Read More »

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