
Day 6: Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 days of meditation + journaling

Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 Days of Meditation + Journaling

Listen to me lead you through the meditation on Instagram or Facebook (I am sharing the videos there every day). Get the printable guided journal with all the prompts here.

Dream Book members get the Goodbye 2023 Releasing Ceremony and the Hello 2024 Dream Blessing Ceremony. If you're not a member: find out more + join us here. If you are member: get the call details here.

60 second meditation:

Take a deep breath and notice your heart beating. As you exhale, feel how ALIVE you are.

Keep your breathing nice and deep and slow and feel how you are always growing and changing, just like all of life is always growing and changing.

It can feel like you are staying the same, but you aren’t. Nothing that is alive stays still.

And as you are growing and changing, so are your dreams.

Today’s prompt is:

How did your dreams grow in 2023? How did your dreams change in 2023?

Come dream with us


Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

Day 6: Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 days of meditation + journaling Read More »

Day 5: Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 days of meditation + journaling

Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 Days of Meditation + Journaling

Listen to me lead you through the meditation on Instagram or Facebook (I am sharing the videos there every day). Get the printable guided journal with all the prompts here.

Dream Book members get the Goodbye 2023 Releasing Ceremony and the Hello 2024 Dream Blessing Ceremony. If you're not a member: find out more + join us here. If you are member: get the call details here.

60 second meditation:

Take a deep breath and imagine roots coming out of the base of your spine, sinking deep into the earth.

Hold here, and as you exhale and imagine your roots sinking deeper into the earth and feel yourself becoming grounded. Really feel into this sense of how you are fully supported by the earth. Keep your breathing nice and slow and keep digging those roots in deeper.

Today’s prompt is:

What did you learn in 2023 that you want to bring into 2024.

Sometimes we learn through the really hard stuff, so if this prompt is difficult for you, lean into that connection with the earth, remember you are loved, remember you did your best and now you have the opportunity to take what you learned and use it to be in a better position to do even better in 2024.

Come dream with us


Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

Day 5: Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 days of meditation + journaling Read More »

Day 4: Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 days of meditation + journaling

Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 Days of Meditation + Journaling

Listen to me lead you through the meditation on Instagram or Facebook (I am sharing the videos there every day). Get the printable guided journal with all the prompts here.

Dream Book members get the Goodbye 2023 Releasing Ceremony and the Hello 2024 Dream Blessing Ceremony. If you're not a member: find out more + join us here. If you are member: get the call details here.

60 second meditation:

Take a deep breath and sit up tall.

Hold your head high, shoulders squared. Hold here and then as you exhale and relax into the tallest version of yourself.

Imagine yourself taking up more space. Expanding. Sure of yourself.

Sit in this energy breathing deep and slow.

The prompt today is:

What did you do in 2023 that youare proud of?

If you have the printable I want you to fill in every bubble. Like - just give yourself more time if you need to. If this is easy then print a second page and fill it in too. Really give yourself time here, stretch a bit, and let's name all of the reasons you have to be proud of yourself.

Come dream with us


Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

Day 4: Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 days of meditation + journaling Read More »

Day 3: Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 days of meditation + journaling

Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 Days of Meditation + Journaling

Listen to me lead you through the meditation on Instagram or Facebook (I am sharing the videos there every day). Get the printable guided journal with all the prompts here.

Dream Book members get the Goodbye 2023 Releasing Ceremony and the Hello 2024 Dream Blessing Ceremony. If you're not a member: find out more + join us here. If you are member: get the call details here.

60 second meditation:

Today we’re doing the same meditation as yesterday. Hands on heart, take a deep breath, and as you inhale imagine bringing your energy and attention into the centre of your heart. Hold there, and then as you exhale, sink in and make yourself comfortable here, right in the centre of your heart.

Keep breathing nice and slow and feel into your joy. Find whatever rivers of joy are flowing within you and get into the flow of your inner joy.

The prompt today is:

What were you grateful for in 2023?

The goal is not to negate all the hard stuff, or pretend it doesn’t matter because you have stuff to be grateful for, it’s to make space for all of it. 

Come dream with us


Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

Day 3: Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 days of meditation + journaling Read More »

Day 2: Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 days of meditation + journaling

Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 Days of Meditation + Journaling

Listen to me lead you through the meditation on Instagram or Facebook (I am sharing the videos there every day). Get the printable guided journal with all the prompts here.

Dream Book members get the Goodbye 2023 Releasing Ceremony and the Hello 2024 Dream Blessing Ceremony. If you're not a member: find out more + join us here. If you are member: get the call details here.

60 second meditation:

Hands on heart, take a deep breath, and as you inhale imagine bringing your energy and attention into the centre of your heart. Hold there and then as you exhale make yourself comfortable here, right in the centre of your heart.

Feel into your joy. Even in the hardest times, when everything has dried up, there are tiny rivers of joy to be found. Find those rivers inside of you, be in the flow of your own joy.

The prompt today is:

What was amazing in 2023?

You can think as big or as small as you like.

Come dream with us


Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

Day 2: Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 days of meditation + journaling Read More »

Day 1: Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 days of meditation + journaling

Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 Days of Meditation + Journaling

Listen to me guide you through the meditation on Instagram or Facebook (I am sharing the videos there every day). Get the printable guided journal with all the prompts here.

Dream Book members get the Goodbye 2023 Releasing Ceremony and the Hello 2024 Dream Blessing Ceremony. If you're not a member: find out more + join us here. If you are member: get the call details here.

60 second meditation:

Take a nice deep breath in and stretch your arms up above your head.

Hold there as long as you can.

Lower your arms as you exhale and imagine a sense of stillness coming over you.

Breathe into that stillness. Try to sink into it as deep as you can.

Reflecting back on 2023 may bring up stuff! Whatever feelings get sparked for you here are completely valid. Even the most uncomfortable feelings have a lot to teach us.

The prompt today is:

What did you try with your dreams? What worked? What didn’t work?

On the journaling sheet today in the printable journal this is done in 2 lists, so you can see them all together.

No shame in things not working! It's amazing that you're out there trying.

Come dream with us


Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your journaling or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

Day 1: Goodbye 2023 Hello 2024 31 days of meditation + journaling Read More »

You are the Source of Time

I started today with a meditation so intense I had to lie down and rest for 20 minutes after.

I have been reading The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks which is amazing.? It’s about the Upper Limit Problem, how we all have an upper limit to what we think is possible for us, and when we try to go beyond it, we sabotage ourselves.

I’m at the end of it, where he talks about how you have to transform your relationship with time in order to live a life of infinite possibilities.? This is not news to me.

Changing your relationship with time is a really basic aspect of Creative Dreaming.

If you don’t make time to do the things that light you up, if you don’t make time for your calling – well you’ll just continue to live a life that is not true to who you are.? And meanwhile you are making time for all this bullshit stuff that you say you don’t care about.? “I don’t have time” makes no sense at all.

“I don’t have time” is actually just code for “I’m not ready”.? When you’re ready you make time.? But what Gay Hendricks talks about in The Big Leap goes beyond that.

He says: You Are The Source Of Time.

When I meditate on not being the source of time it feels cold, isolating, dis-empowering and like there is no way out.

But at first, when I meditated on being the source of time it just didn’t make any sense.

But that cold isolating powerless feeling is the opposite of how I want to feel about my life and my place in the universe.? And I know that beliefs foster feelings which foster actions.? And I know that it doesn’t matter if the beliefs are “true” or not, I have the power to choose beliefs that support me in feeling how I want to feel and living how I want to live – you can be happy or right and I choose happy.

So I knew I wanted to adopt the belief that I am the source of time, I just couldn’t see how I could believe it.

So I meditated on space.? Time and space are related.? Could I be the source of space?? And suddenly I grew as large as the universe and contained the entire, expanding universe within me.? Yes, I can be the source of space.

But time still felt outside of me.

And I thought about love and creativity because I know, like KNOW, that the source of love and creativity are inside of me.

And whooooooosh the time piece fell into place.

Time appears different because we have all agreed on a way to measure it.? We don’t agree on a way to measure love or creativity, but other than that they are very similar to time.

And actually since we agree on how to measure time we tend to confuse our measuring system with the actual thing.

Time is not hours or seconds or years.? That is like saying your body is a measuring tape or a scale because that’s how you measure it.

No, time is very different from that.

And the source of time is inside me.

And the source of time is inside you.

This is something for me to keep exploring.

Obviously I had a beautiful epiphany in my meditation this morning and now it’s time to ground myself in this belief.

It’s fascinating to discover that my view of time as being outside of me was cold, isolating and dis-empowering because as I shift into this new belief of time being inside of me it’s like my whole life moves into a new world of brightness and possibility. Exciting.

If you're ready to make your dream real, I am here to help.  Click here for my Creative Dream Incubator.

You are the Source of Time Read More »

Free Creative Visualization Meditation

Free Creative Visualization Meditation

Creative visualization meditation alone is NOT going to make your dream real.

The truth is that trying to "think positive" and visualize your dream come true when you have parts of you who believe that your dream is impossible, or who doubt your gifts + abilities, or who are afraid of either fear or success, only makes things very, very uncomfortable.? The more you fight to think positive, the more these parts of you will fight to think negative.

You can't simply bulldoze over your fears with positive thinking to get to where you want to be.

But Creative Visualization Meditation is still super helpful.

It gives you clues about what you need to do next on the path to making your dream real.

What creative visualization meditation does is put you into alignment with your dream.? This is good, you HAVE TO be in energetic alignment with your dream if you're ever going to actually make it real.? So using creative visualization meditation to help get you there is helpful.

But often what happens is that trying to shift into alignment with your dream only makes you very, very aware of where you are actually NOT in alignment with it.

It points the way to what needs to be healed and transformed before you can have what you want.

So pay attention to what thoughts and feelings come up in response to creative visualization and make note of them, this is what you need to clean up before you can take your next step towards your dream.

Try this free creative visualization meditation:

(This is one of the MANY guided meditations you get in Dream Book that help you with every aspect of bringing your dream to life.)

Free Creative Visualization Meditation Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: