Manifest your dream life

Keeping the Pedal to the Metal

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.

I am familiar with PUTTING the pedal to the metal.

I’ve had to do that repeatedly to get to where I am.? And I like that feeling that I am DRIVING myself somewhere in my life, that I am in the driver’s seat, pointed in the right direction, and GOING.

What I am NOT familiar with is KEEPING the pedal to the metal.

I like to go somewhere, then get out of the car.? Have a picnic, maybe a nap.? Appreciate where I am.? Acclimate to where I am.? Then choose a new destination, draw a new map, get back in the car.

What I like are day trips.? Put the pedal to the metal, get to where I want to be, then stop.

What my dreams are calling me into now is a long distance road trip.

My challenge to myself is to KEEP the pedal to the metal for all of January.

Kind of funny that this is coming to me in a driving analogy since I sold my car this fall and have been REVELING in my new car-free lifestyle.? But this is how it feels.

I can feel my right foot pushing down on the gas and I notice how I want to slam on the brakes and just stop until I feel acclimated where I am.

But my intuition is clear.? Pedal to the metal, sweetie.? You’ll LOVE where we get to once we get there.? But we’re not there yet so don’t stop.

So that’s where I’m at this week.


Pedal firmly to the metal.

Being consistent about all the things I need to be consistent about to spread the word about the upcoming Creative Dream Incubator e-Course happening inside the Creative Dream Circle.

A few months ago I wrote in the Circle about a pattern I’d spotted while journaling, about how I don’t stay consistent with my marketing.

This is that not-keeping-the-pedal-to-the-metal-thing.

So I started using the tools in the Circle to work on it, to get to know it more, find out what it has to teach me, learn more about my own resistance and – finally – create a new possibility for what I’d like to do instead.

And here I am.? Now it’s like I am cruising down the highway, singing, enjoying that beautiful sparkling spacious feeling of being out on the open road. Marketing-wise I am doing EVERYTHING I feel inspired to do.

I’ve never done this before.? I’ve always spent more time working on my actual programs or working with clients, and less time marketing.

It feels good to work so hard in service to inviting more dreamers into my world.

It’s not ALL good though.

Things are going good, but this is also exhausting.

I do want to keep this up until the end of the month as I really want as many participants as possible to join this round of the Creative Dream Incubator happening inside the Creative Dream Circle.

Of course I’m exhausted, this is taking a LOT of bandwidth.

It’s not that it’s a ton of work, it’s just the energy expenditure of staying out of my comfort zone is exhausting. I’m meditating on this every day and getting wise advice from my inner council. But if shifting your comfort zone around to include sparkling new things inside it was easy – everyone would be doing it.

Plus I got my period which is making me more tired, and for some reason I decided that this is not a good reason to slow down.? So I’m in loving (but difficult!) negotiations with the part of me that is afraid that if I do slow down and take care of myself, I will just stop.

This is kind of weird because normally I excel at self-care!? But this KEEPING the pedal to the medal thing feels so new I worry that it is too delicate.

And I have increased my self-care practices, but it’s not enough.? This weekend I’ll be exploring what I am going to do about this – how to fuel myself for the final leg of this month-long trip.

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Dreaming SMALLER, Simpler and more Happily. It’s not about having MORE.

The path to bringing a dream to life is less about the dream and more about the inner healing and transformation that happens when you step up to claim your right to create the life you really want to be living.

This means the Creative Dream Path can take you to some unexpected places.

Last winter my car had a lot of problems.


As much as I have loved my red Beetle, this car has always been very expensive to maintain.? It’s a diesel, which was, at the time when I bought it, the most fuel-efficient way to go in this climate, as far as I could tell.? So I chose to have a car that cost me more money, because it would cost the planet less.

But we got to the point where keeping her running just didn’t make sense anymore, and it looked like I would need a new car for this winter.

So I started looking at what car to get next. I was happy that there are more fuel-efficient options now.? I was looking for something simpler, something less expensive and time consuming to maintain.

But you know what?? No other car felt right.? So I stopped looking.

Instead I asked myself: what do you REALLY want here?

And underneath all the layers of stories about how grown-ups are supposed to live was my simple truth: I don’t want a car.

You know what makes me happy? WALKING.

You know what I hardly ever seem to find time to do? WALK.

Suddenly not having a car felt like an adventure.

I sold my car last fall, bought a fantastic parka and winter boots and have not looked back.

At first it just seemed like maybe having a car doesn’t make sense for me right now.? I work from home.? I don’t have children.? I was only using my car for shopping and adventuring, so maybe it’s just not smart for me to have my own car?

I can rent a car when I want/need one.? I can join the car co-op.? Maybe this is just the more practical choice.

But the biggest thing I’ve noticed is not about practicality at all.

It’s this: I have not ONCE driven somewhere and arrived feeling amazing because driving is just so awesome.

But more times than not, when I walk somewhere I arrive feeling amazing because walking is just so awesome.

This morning I walked through a blizzard to get to a coffee shop to do some writing.? Between my parka and boots I am covered, from head-to-toe, in soft warmth.? I giggled as the wind whirled around me, like it was trying to give me a hug.? I looked at the cars driving past me and did not wish I was in one.

I love how walking has slowed down the pace of my life.

The act of walking instead of driving adds this kind of magical element to my days.

And I’m more present with my own needs because I can’t always just zip off and get something if I run out.? I think more carefully about how plan my days.? I cook more.

I feel freer somehow.

And yet, if you’d told me six months ago that I was going to be happily car-free this winter I would have thought you were crazy.

That one little question leads to amazing things.

What do I really want?

That is the heart of Creative Dreaming.? Being brave enough to not just listen to your heart, but act on it.


Dreaming SMALLER, Simpler and more Happily. It’s not about having MORE. Read More »

Are YOU A Creative Dreamer? This Is What You Need To Know:


A Creative Dreamer is NOT satisfied following the rules, doing what is expected or living a dull, ordinary life.

Creative Dreamers believe that they are here on this planet to share their creative gifts or have a GRAND adventure (or both).

Creative Dreamers believe they are NOT here to do shit they don’t want to do.

Somewhere inside them, they KNOW that they’re not here to maintain the status quo and find doing so to be deeply unsatisfying.

But our society kind of runs on conformity.? This makes things very difficult for Creative Dreamers.

A lot of Creative Dreamers are sensitive souls and most Creative Dreamers struggle with developing the unique skills needed to bring a Creative Dream to life.

Not because they are not capable, but because there is a distinct lack of the right kind of support and education available to them.

As a result, most Creative Dreamers don’t EVER activate their full creative potential.

This is a problem.? Not just for us, but for the whole world.

Creative Dreams are gifts of spirit, woven out of healing, love, creativity and purpose.? Dreams Come True hold the possibility to heal and transform our world.

The world needs YOUR (yes, YOU reading this) dream made REAL.

Too many Creative Dreamers believe that:

  • Pursuing their dreams is SELFISH.
  • They would need more time and money to “make it work”.
  • NOW is not the right time.
  • Something has to change before they can start bringing their dreams to life.

None of this is true.

The only thing you have to do is DECIDE to start NOW. Everything else you need to learn about how to really make this happen – you can learn along the way.

We’re starting the next session of the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course on January 28.? It’s happening inside the Creative Dream Circle and I hope to see YOU there!

You’ll learn how your dream is NOT impossible, and how to start moving towards it, step by step, starting NOW – no matter WHAT is in the way.

Click here to join the Circle today.? Let’s make MAGIC together.

Are YOU A Creative Dreamer? This Is What You Need To Know: Read More »

I’m terrified of failing

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.

I spent some(?) time last weekend hanging out with fear.

I’m terrified of failing.? We are all.

And these fears are all stirred up because I’m doing something different.

I’ve never set this kind of goal in my business before.? I’ve been super grateful that I’ve learned how to put things out there in such a way that enough people respond that my needs are met.? That’s nothing to sneeze at!

I am well aware that I am in the minority on this.? I am very grateful for what I have.

And until now my business planning has stemmed from that gratitude -? I’m so happy I have students and clients and potential new clients, now what do I want to offer them next?

But now I want to do it differently.

And setting out to do something differently stirs up fear, stirs up inner critics, stirs up uncertainties.

I had a really beautiful chat with my friend Chris Zydel (the one I went to visit in California a few months back).? Chris reminded me that it doesn’t matter how I think it will be – it won’t be how I think it will be.

I’m feeling a desire to reach out in this way – this is my heart and soul calling me onto the next steps on my path… but this is the energy that is getting me moving, this is not necessarily what I am headed to.

The creative dream path is a mystery.? All we can ever do is step into what our hearts are calling us into.

Some dreams are easy.? Back in the olden days when I first started working with the tools I teach in the Creative Dream Incubator I wanted more money.? And I got more money – lots of it.

But a more meaningful life?? To share your gifts more widely with the world?? To step deeper into your purpose?? Not so cut and dry.

Being in this process is growing my soul in the ways that my soul needs to be grown at this time.

THAT is the gift, not whether or not I reach my goal.

Which, some days, drives me nuts.

Some days it makes me giggle.? I mentioned in the last update that I’d been working on my Strategic Action Plan.? This weekend I also made a brand new spreadsheet, to track the few things that I want to track from that plan.

I had to learn how to do spreadsheets on my iPad because I really wanted to do this in my iPad and not on my laptop.? This was kind of frustrating at first (WHY is Numbers for iPad so different to use than Numbers for MacBook? Geez!) …. I finally got the spreadsheet set up and put numbers in from the first week of January and then had to laugh – all that frustration and time and energy and I know that the numbers are not the point.

But the numbers are a part of the journey and I want to give love, respect and attention to every part of the journey.

And then facing the numbers activated how terrified I am of failing…. which brought me to some much needed inner work.

My fear of failing, like most of our deepest fears, remains deep beneath the surface most days – you wouldn’t even know it’s there.

These fears lurk deep down where we forget about them, and fuel inner critics and unconscious self-sabotaging mechanisms and hold us back without us even being aware that we are being held back.

I am reminded this week of how very important it is to develop the skill of being able to face and transform your feelings.

When fears come up to the surface that’s a good thing!? It means you get to work with them and, over time, transform them.

Fear means your path to liberation is opening up right in front of you.

But too often dreams DIE because people don’t want to face their feelings.

So I spent a lot of time in the Un-Sticking Station in the Circle which is literally an un-sticking station that un-sticks stucks like being terrified of failing.? (The Un-Sticking Station alone is worth the cost of the whole Creative Dream Circle – imagine having access to a QUICK process that actually transforms fears!)

Related: I did my first live streaming video!

It was all about how to approach journaling so that your journal becomes a tool for growing your dreams.

We talked A LOT about facing fears and how that all works so if you are feeling some fear or other discomforts when you think about your dream, or if you don’t believe you can have your dream – watch the replay.


My intuition, and many of my collages, have been nudging me towards this for a long time.

I do tons of live tele-classes.? And tons of recorded video.? But putting them together into one live video?? While that is the next logical step, it felt daunting, to say the least.

But, thanks to my willingness to step it up to meet my new goal, I listened to the nudges and did the live video.

And the live Creative Dream Journal Playdate was pretty awesome!? (The recording is still there so you can play along)

It’s really different being live on video.? Live on the phone means people have to be committed enough to actually call and they are generally really present.? Live online can mean you were committed enough to show up fully or it can mean you’ve for 16 windows open and are just cruising around, really just trying to distract yourself from whatever is happening inside you.

So I couldn’t really approach it the way I approach my calls.? Which is good!? Trying new things is good!

And it will take me a few times (at least?) to be truly comfortable with this.? Also good.? Stretching yourself when you feel inspiring to stretch yourself is good.

It’s got over 1,600 views already.? So this can really get my ideas out there in ways that tele-classes can’t.

On the other hand, 7,000 different people have visited my website in the last month.? I’d sure love for more of them to get more engaged with the process of growing their dreams!

I’ve put the Playdate on the Fabulous Free Stuff page so people can continue to find it.

And I’ve already scheduled more for next week and the week after.

So I started this week feeling terrified of failing.

I am ending this week feeling on top of the world.

I always love how I feel after I have done the work of facing/healing/transforming the icks that come up on the path.? I want to broadcast to the whole world that FEELING STUCK IS GOOD.? Facing the stuck is the path.? You’re SO READY to make your dream REAL.

The Circle feels like a MAGNET OF LOVE.

I love the Circle!? I love the members!? I love their dreams!

I am so excited about the new people joining.? I’m feeling really good about my goal for this year for the Circle and inspired about the other things I want to create in my business.

I am more connected than ever to heart and soul of this dream.

This is something I teach in depth in the Creative Dream Incubator e-course, how focusing on connecting with the heart and soul of your dream, rather than focusing on the externals of it – makes the external path easier.

It creates a beautiful energy that draws to your dream whatever it needs to thrive.

I’ve been focusing on this for about a month now and am really feeling it now.

It’s an amazing energy and it feels like it is really nurturing ME because I am working MUCH harder than I normally do, but feeling super happy, energized, inspired and not cranky/tired/other icky things I associate with working “hard”.

And this week I announced the next session of the Creative Dream Incubator e-course, happening inside the Circle, starting Jan 28.? I want to invite you to think about joining us.? This is my fourth year of running this course and I know it’s going to be our best session yet.

It includes the Creative Business Incubator plug-in, I’ll be super active in the forum answering your questions and cheering you on and at the end of the 6 weeks we’ll close off with a live coaching call (if you can’t attend live you can email me your questions and so you can hear the answers in the recording).

The Incubator is magic.? You will ADORE it.

PLUS you’ll also get whole year of creative dream support.? For just $100!

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A Glossary of Creative Dreaming

Because successful creative dreaming requires a radically different approach than most things, I am creating a glossary of terms that helps to explain it all.


This is the START of the glossary of Creative Dreaming.? I’m going to be adding whole posts on some of these terms, and then linking back to them on this page.

Boundaries: one of the tools of sovereignty (see sovereignty, below).? Boundaries help you create space within which you can do the work of creative dreaming.

Healthy use of boundaries frees you up to create your unique life.? Unhealthy use of boundaries just cements you in whatever ego-patterns you are in.? Setting healthy boundaries stems from a healthy inner relationship with sovereignty (see sovereignty, below) .

Creative: your inherent nature.? You are here to create your life.

Creative dream: is any idea that lights you up… from wild life-changing adventures to the tiniest slice of joy.? The creative in Creative Dream speaks to how this is something that you are going to create in your world.

Creative Dreams are the breadcrumb trail your soul leaves for you, guiding you along the path to your authentic sparkling life.

Creative Dream Path: each path is unique, but it is rare to find one that is a straight, simple, well-defined path leading from Point A to Point Dream. ?It twists, it spirals, it leads you not to am outer destination, but into deeper alignment with your own self.

The thing about the Creative Dream Path is that YOU have to create it.? This is messy sometimes, that’s a part of the process.? We always seem to want it to be all clearly defined and already laid out for us – but if someone else laid it out for you, that makes it THEIR path, not yours.

Creative Dreamer: a person who hears the call of her soul, and responds. ?She is not satisfied with just dreaming, she knows she’s here to create her dreams in her world. ?A Creative Dreamer is deeply attuned to her inner world, she is creative and soulful.

Creative Genius: this term is sometimes used interchangeably with Creative Dreamer. ?Creative Genius is the magic within: tapping in the power of your soul, your creativity and your purpose.

EVERYBODY has Creative Genius within them, but many people choose to leave it dormant within them. ?A Creative Dreamer chooses to activate the Creative Genius within.

Creative Journaling: really different from art journaling!? This is about getting creative in your journal as a way of activating your inner creative genius.

It’s about creating your life, it’s not about making art, so it’s not just for artists!? Click here for my free Dreamtastic Creative Journals course.

Creative Soul Alchemy: is the process I have developed over the years, drawing from my training as a spiritual teacher, healer and counsellor, energy healer and intuitive development plus my personal explorations in bringing creative play into the healing/transforming process.? More about that here.

Inner Critic: those voices that say you can’t, you’re not good enough, no one cares about what you have to offer, it’s too hard anyway so why bother?

Like Stucks (see below for Stucks), the Inner Critic is a master at making their opinion appear like a Legitimate And Reasonable Unchangeable Fact.

Inner Critics need to be met with care because deep down inside – they’re not critics at all. ?They’re wounded inner children with huge helpful gifts to share, and with a little love and attention they become powerful allies on the Creative Dream Path.

Intuition: the voice of your inner wisdom. ?Learning how to connect with your intuition is a key skill for successful Creative Dreaming. ?You need the brilliant advice of your intuition wisdom to build your Creative Dream Path.

Obstacle: the Thing that’s in your way, making your dream seem impossible. ?Most common obstacles: time and money.

At the heart of EVERY obstacle is an opportunity. ?A Creative Dreamer knows that the obstacle is never a reason to delay… the obstacle is actually the way forward.

Resistance: the enemy of the Creative Dreamer. ?Resistance shows up as: being too busy, indulging in activities that don’t move you towards your dream, not making time for your dream, believe the things your inner critic says about how you can’t do it anyway or that you have to wait for something outside of you to change first.

Resistance happens when you’ve got a stuck or an inner critic stirring.

Sovereignty (AKA Living from the center of your creative power): is one of the least understood and most important keys to successful creative dreaming.

Everything I say on this page about your creative power applies only to you and your life. ?The second you attempt to create in someone else’s life, you cut yourself off from your power source.

Every. Single. Time. You think someone else should be doing something differently than how they are doing it, you are stepping out of the center of your creative power.

When you truly take responsibility for your path, it becomes natural to honour everyone else’s sovereignty. ?You understand that you have zero creative control over their lives, and you trust them to create their own unique path.? Our whole world is set up the opposite of sovereignty, which is why this can be so hard to understand.

But when you really get this, it’s a total life-changer because it leave you with no choice but to stand strong in the center of your own creative power.

Stuck:? inner obstacles: resistance, fear, procrastination, limiting beliefs, etc.? Hint: if you are not moving forward with your dreams – you’re stuck.

Stucks often try to convince you that they are legitimate. ?That the thing you are doing instead of moving forward with your dreams is actually something you need to be doing right now. ?That there will be time for dreaming later.

That is not true. ?The time is always now. ?Anything that truly needs to get done before you can have your dream will show up on your Creative Dream Path.

Transformation: changing states. ?A total transformation happens when you are working with it on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – it happens inside of you, and that inner transformation impacts your outer world.? (It’s not directly about transforming your outer world.)? This is deep inner work and involves a certain level of letting go of control which can be very confusing.

So while you are in the process of transformation, feeling totally confused is a good sign, it means you are letting go of control and venturing into a new place.

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Writing your 2014… a year in review of the year that hasn’t started yet.

In my first and second years of being a full time Creative Dream Incubator I was excited to write a year end review… to look over what I’d learned and how it all went and and plan out what I want to do different next year.

This year I feel very meh about that.

Though I did flip through my instagram to share some of my fave photos of the year…

Right now, what I really want is to look forward.

As I sat with that feeling, I realised that what I want to do is want to write a year end review for my business for 2014.

Do this with me… let’s zoom into December 2014 and look back on a truly sparkletastic year.

I started the year feeling fresh, focused and excited about what I wanted to create.? I had the clearest, solidest goal I’ve ever had for my business – to welcome 800 dreamers into the Creative Dream Circle by the end of the year.

This goal was a giant bundle of love.

Love for the dreamers and their courage & brilliance.

Love for the sweet, sparkling dreams.

Love for the Circle and it’s dream-growing magic.

Every time I thought about the 800 dreamers and their amazing dreams, my heart beamed.

With this much love on my side, I knew I could not fail.

With this much love on my side, I was able to heal my wounded relationship with “business”.

I have long thought of myself as “an artist, not a business person”.? I have been angry about the destructive effect a lot of big businesses have on our world – fueling my beliefs about how “business is bad”.? I have felt like I just don’t know how to successfully grow a business.

I started my business with a strong belief in the quality, power and importance of my work, fueled by purpose and spirit and love – and a belief that these things, not business skills, were enough to get me where I want to go.

As I learned more about business, I came to understand that these are 2 different things: your soul work and your business skills.

And most people are not naturally equally gifted in each.? I mean… It’s possible for lackluster products to become superstars in the marketplace.? It’s possible for superstar products to be virtually invisible in the marketplace.

And it seems true that as you polish and perfect the shining jewel of what you are here to offer you’re going to start looking for ways to get better at offering it.? For many, like me, this means a business.

So then the journey of activating and living your purpose merges with the journey of starting and growing a business.

Creativity, heart and soul cannot replace the need for practical business skills.? What they can do is fuel and activate the practical business stuff so that your business can be your (very helpful!) partner in bringing your creativity and your purpose to life.

I knew that already.? But in 2014 it changed.

It’s like I had marinated long enough in ideas about spiritual business and creative business to be able to live from them in a new way.? I developed a new sense of trust in my ability to do this.

I spent the first 35 years of my life marinating in ideas about how I am not a business person.? I needed to spend a few years marinating in ideas about how I am a capable and gifted business person before they could really clear out the old beliefs and sink in.

Ultimately what this means is approaching all aspects of my business from my creative genius, which means not being all tangled up in my limiting beliefs.? Being in the flow.

In hindsight, this harder to do before this year because I was still getting my business sea legs, so to speak.

Which is why I had to keep things smaller before.

Which is why, in 2014, I didn’t need to keep things small anymore.

I spread my business wings wildly and widely.

I tried all the things I knew to try, to get the word out about my work.? When things didn’t go as I’d hoped, I re-adjusted and tried again.

I stretched some more and sought out more ideas for things to try.? And I tried those.

I played with my business.?

I brought a whole new level of creative genius to it.? Just like being in my art studio – throwing paints down and fooling around and trying new things and experimenting and exploring.? I approached my business like a fantastically inspiring art project.

Meanwhile, I was more committed to my personal daily creativespiritual practice, to build stronger roots, so my dream tree could grow giant leafy branches.

And it worked.

My business grew wildly in 2014.

The Creative Dream Circle started to fill up… and as the Circle members practiced the art of Creative Dream Incubation and delighted in all the magic of that – word spread and momentum came to play.

The more fun I had, the larger the Circle got, the easier it became to grow it.

The important feelings + qualities of my 2014:

Trust. Alignment. Purpose. Spirit. Joy. Knowing. Stability. Growth… all of it Glowing with Love.

Writing this feels amazing.

I didn’t set out to write exactly what I wanted to have happened.? I started by looking at how I’m feeling about my goal for the year, and then followed those feelings and the story started to write itself.

When I got to the end it felt like a deep affirmation of how, as long as I stay committed to being true to myself, my spirit and heart, and to clearing/healing all the things that make that hard to do, of course I am going to get to somewhere that is gorgeous, abundant and fulfilling.

What’s your story for 2014?

Success, love, wild creative abandon – it’s all possible for you.

And I’d love to help you make it all come true, in the Creative Dream Circle.

Writing your 2014… a year in review of the year that hasn’t started yet. Read More »

What I want to create in 2014

This is when I am happiest:

Not just making art, not just journaling – playing with my creative genius fully engaged.

  • Reaching for new depths of connection with who I really am.
  • Stretching out into who I want to become.
  • Creating the foundation to bring my vision to life.

As a celebration of and commitment to all of this, this is what I want to create in 2014:

Playbooks for Creative Dreamers

Guided Journals & Colouring Books (but secretly they’re magic wands).

Mind-expanding journaling prompts, transformative energy processes, delightful mandalas to colour, adore and make your own. Space to PLAY your way into deep connection with yourself, your genius and your dreams.

I want to make them, and sell them on Amazon in 2014.? (And give them away to Creative Dream Circle members)

I did make about 15 Playbooks For Dreamers in 2013, as a part of my classes and playdates I did in the Circle. These Playbooks will be different – they’ll be for you playing in on your own instead of as a part of a class.

What do YOU want to create in 2014?

I would love to hear – share in the comments below!

CDI2014And, if you want my support & guidance in making YOUR (big or small) dream REAL – join me for the 2014 session of the Creative Dream Incubator – my master-class in the art of bringing a dream to life with ease and joy.

We’re starting on January 28.

The Creative Dream Incubator is a part of the Creative Dream Circle – which means when you join the Circle for just $100, you’ll get the Creative Dream Incubator PLUS a whole YEAR of Creative Dream Support.

Join us today.? Your dream is waiting.? (PLUS PLUS if you join by Jan 2 you’ll also get the Creative Dream HOLYday Creative Playdate & Virtual Creative Dream Retreat on Jan 3)


What I want to create in 2014 Read More »

Making a Big Dream Real #3

It’s already week three of my new adventure!

Early this week I started to really come into alignment with this new dream.? I started feeling more flow and inspiration.

I had so many ideas for things to try, and so much energy to play with them.? Sunday night I had a hard time falling asleep because I was So Excited for Monday morning to come so I could get to work.

It felt amazing.

Until it didn’t.

I went from super inspired on top of the world to way down in the dumps.

This happens with dreams!? You dig through stuff, get to a new layer of clarity, but then there is all this… debris from your digging.

The debris was messy this week.? Remembering all the reasons why this is impossible.? Loosing my connection with why I want this.? Not trusting my dream.? Not trusting myself.? Not fun.

And I kept trying to push myself to act anyway.? Which is never a good idea. But I felt frustrated and impatient and wanted to see some results.

I found myself very focused on externals, which is usually what’s happening when you feel stuck like that.

So then I thought… hey why don’t I do the things that I know work when I’m down in the dumps.

That stuff kept this week from being a total disaster.? And as I played with these tools, I learned A LOT about why I was so in the dumps.

And even found gifts & treasures in the dump.

Bringing a dream to life is more about growing yourself than it is about making things happen in the outer world.

I’ve got painful stories that I carry that me-who-lives-this-dream does not carry.? These stories were so troubling for me this week because I was waking up to how troubling they are.

You know how when you’re just used to something you don’t really notice it?? It’s like that with your stories and patterns and limiting beliefs.

When you consciously choose to grow, and set your sights on a new way of being – the old ways of being start to become horribly uncomfortable.

This was uncomfortable this week and I’m guessing I’m not finished being uncomfortable.

I am grateful to start to see the patterns behind the patterns more clearly.? I’m grateful to have the tools & skills to transform this.? I’m grateful that no matter how sad & frustrating this gets, I do hold onto the knowing that I will move through this.

I made friends with Discipline.

Discipline appeared this week.? Not all drill sargeant-y and pushy, more like a beautiful and benevolent Goddess of Possibilities.

Last week I talked about creating daily and weekly practices that support and sustain me as I support and sustain this dream.? Daily meditation, energy work, journaling and art-making.? Weekly learning.

This week I learned that I need this to be more disciplined.? It’s not enough to just to these things each day, they need more structure and I need more structure in how I approach them.

These structures are the most supportive things, ever.

This boy became my business role model:

Everything about this represents everything I want in how I approach my work.

He’s relaxed and trusting and barefoot.

He’s playing.? In a soft space in the sunshine.

He’s got pens and toys and an open book.

Spaciousness. Freedom. Creativity. Trust. Alignment. InTUNEment.

Flow. Flow. Flow. Flow. Flow.

Tangible Things I did this week to move towards my goal:

Given how hard this week felt, it feels like a complete miracle that I did anything.? But I did!? Because I am kind of chatty here talking about why I’m doing things, I am making the things I did bold, and everything else plain.

I figured out how I want to start advertising, and started!? I updated my Fabulous Free Stuff page, created a button for it and signed up for an ad on Kind over Matter, to advertise my Fabulous Free Stuff page.

(Advertising my free stuff has been the best way for me to advertise my business.? This way the ad is an invitation to peek into my creative world and see if you want to play here.? Ads that point to a sales page are NOT how I want to grow my business – I would much rather people got to know me FIRST, then decide if they want to join the Circle, instead of advertising the circle.)

I’ll also advertise the freebies page on Facebook, starting in January.? And I did some research for some new places to place ads in January.

I did a lot more tweaking to the Creative Dream Circle page.? (do check it out!)? I thought a lot about how I want to connect with people as they’re reading that page, and what I want them to know.

Made some images to promote the Creative Dream HOLYday to share on Facebook and Pinterest.

Spent more time exploring my new favourite question: Do I need to step up what I’ve been doing or do I need a totally new plan?

Did more inspiring business reading to nourish my brain with possibilities.

Worked on my promotional plan for January.? I’ll be running both the Creative Dream HOLYday (Jan 3) and the Creative Dream Incubator e-course (Jan 28).? This is an amazing course that really does grow dreams – I want to get as many people as possible participating this year.

Planned my first Spreecast: The Creative Dream Journal Playdate (it’s free and it’s happening January 7)!!? On Monday I got to play with Connie and Lisa on Spreecast and wheeeee it was fun.? I’ve been thinking about doing this forever and finally – I’m doing it!

Being able to speak to people one-on-one has been the best way for me to grow my business.

People do not realise how much I can help them – until I do it!

When you have a mindset like “this is hard” or “I don’t live my dreams – that’s for other people” someone telling you they can help with that doesn’t even register.? Because you’ve been carrying that story so long it feels like Absolute Truth for you – you don’t know that you’re carrying it.

When I work with new people and start to shift the energy around the story to open up new possibilities – they’re stunned.? Then they start to get what it means to play with possibility.? Then they start to want more for themselves.? It’s so beautiful.

Last year I gave away 100 free mini coaching sessions.? As much as I loved that, energy work takes a LOT of energy and I simply can’t do that again.? So this year I’ve been doing free monthly coaching circles and tele-classes since November, and now I’m going to branch out into the free live stream.

I think the tele-classes/circles may work better because then people get to actually talk to me and I can do energy shifting & coaching with them.? For that to happen on a live stream, they’d have to be willing to go on camera and a lot of people are not comfortable with that.

On the other hand, a lot of people don’t want to pay long distance for a phone call (though I do have to pay long distance charges to call my own conference line!) but would watch a video stream online.? So I think the video stream will have more participants – but will they be as engaged?

I don’t know!? Let’s see if I find out at the Creative Dream Journal Playdate.

I added new posts to Dreamtastic Creative Journals.

Did a little re-tooling of the space inside the Creative Dream Circle to make space for more members.

This week wasn’t easy and I feel like I didn’t get nearly as much done as I would have liked, but still I’m proud of how I faced how I was feeling and brought in love & creativity to transform it and stayed on track as much as possible.? The inner critics are not going to knock me off track!

Last week I started a score card to keep track of everything I’m going, inner and outer, in bringing this dream to life.? This week I’m exhausted at the thought of even looking at it, so I’m just going to ignore it.? Suffice it to say – it’s going to take a zillion steps and in the process I will defeat a zillion inner critics, fear & limiting beliefs.

Making a Big Dream Real #3 Read More »

More on why Dreams/Ideas are DANGEROUS

Yesterday during Connie’s Holiday Paint Party (a super cool live streamed art journal party – you can watch the whole thing here) Connie asked me if I get a lot of ideas and I said yes… and I added that following an idea blindly is DANGEROUS.

I was at the paint party to draw a mandala and chat with my friends, I wasn’t in teacher mode.

This morning, teacher me really wants to clarify and explain this because it is really important and what I said may be misconstrued.

Creative people have a lot of ideas.? We’re open minded, we’re connected to inspiration, we love ideas so ideas come to us.? This is good!

But acting on all of those ideas is NOT good.

Ideas will meet you in the state of consciousness you’re at, in the moment.? Most of the time, we’re not fully aware of our state of consciousness.

For example, let’s say you’re carrying a story about how our mother doesn’t approve of you.? You’ve carried the story so long you’re not longer aware that you’re carrying it, but it is energized in your consciousness.

An idea comes in that is a perfect match for this story about your mother.? An idea that this part of you believes will finally win her approval, once and for all.? Again – you’re not aware of what’s happening on this level.? You just know the idea feels exciting and inspiring.

So you jump into it.? You ride the wave of inspiration.? You pour your heart and soul into bringing this idea to life.

Either the creative process goes well or it goes badly.

If it goes well:? you successfully bring your idea to life, but your success feels hollow somehow and you don’t know why.? You don’t feel the way you thought this would make you feel.

This is because deep down inside you wanted the idea to succeed so that you could gain your mother’s approval and change how it feels to walk around carrying this painful story.? But even if your mother loves the idea and cheers you on – the story is deep inside of you.? You have to consciously change the story that you carry in order to change how you’re feeling.

This is so dangerous because it feeds a new story about how dreams aren’t worth it and it’s better to just ignore them and you’re not going to be happy anyway so why bother.

Or, if the creative process goes badly: you end up all tangled up in fears and painful feelings you don’t understand.? Or you resist the creative process because on an unconscious level you know this is attached to that painful story you don’t want to go anywhere near.

This is so frustrating because you know you’re more than capable of doing this thing, but it’s like something is holding you back.

This is so dangerous because now you’re going to add a new story to carry around about how when you go after your dreams you fail.? About how you’re not good enough and you don’t follow through.

It’s all tangled up, on the INSIDE.

This is why working with dreams soul-to-soul, inside-to-inside is key.

Your dream is about how you think you’ll feel when you have the thing.

Your dream is about evolving into the person you know you can be.

Your dream is about bringing your creativity and purpose to life.

Your dream is SO MUCH more than the surface thing you want: a solo art exhibit, a published novel, your dream house, etc.

When you stay on the surface – get an idea – run with idea – make idea real – you miss out on the fulfilling and magical part of it all.

This is why you connect with the idea, soul to soul, before proceeding.

Then, in the example I’m using here, you’ll immediately see that what you really want is some healing for this painful story you’ve been carrying about how your mother doesn’t approve of you.

And when you focus on that healing work, other parts of your life “magically” start to fall into place.? Because this story has been impacting you in a lot of ways, for a long time.

And when you focus on that healing work, new ideas spring up.? Ideas that are more connected to who you really are and what you’re here to do, and less connected to this painful story you are no longer carrying.

And, if you stay connected soul to soul as you play with those ideas – they turn into dreams come true.

They help you bring your life into deeper alignment with your inner truth, with your gifts and creativity and purpose and heart and soul.

This. Feels. Amazing.

If you want to know more: the Creative Dream Circle Initiation page has audios that lead you through this process.? (the initiation is free).

If you want to explore this with me: we’re starting up a session of the Creative Dream Incubator on January 28.? Six weeks of diving into the process soul-to-soul communion with your dreams, healing, miracles + transformation – and then once everything is aligned and ready to do – practical action steps + support to make it happen.



More on why Dreams/Ideas are DANGEROUS Read More »

Watch Me Make A Big Dream Real, Part 2

OK, I need a catchy name for this series!? But for now I am going to call it what it is: watch me make a big dream real.

I am so grateful to me-from-last-week who started this series and made her commitment public last Friday.? (If you missed it, that post is here)

On Sunday I was doing my regular Sunday stuff, including tidying up in the DreamLoft.? I was enjoying the happy hum of the clothes washer while sweeping and I looked out the window and thought “MAN I am happy here!”.

This space sparkles.? It’s perfect for me.? I thought about how happy I am here and how happy I am doing the work I’m doing.? And, you know, maybe I don’t need to reach for “more”.

Maybe this is enough.? I am already living with so many dreams made real.? I love helping others to do the same as my full-time gig.? Why this push to help so many more people?

side note: This is a good question!? You want to know the WHY behind your dream – you don’t want to go to the work of transforming yourself and bringing a big dream to just to keep up with your neighbours, or because your mom wants you to.? That only brings you further out of alignment with your truth.? But because I use the tools of Creative Dream Incubation my dreams are already aligned with my purpose and soul and heart and creativity.

When I sat with the question, I saw how it was rooted in fear, laziness, resistance and a desire to HIDE.

And I was so grateful I’d made this public commitment and I couldn’t just quietly pack this dream away.? Because that feeling grew the whole rest of Sunday and Monday.

Not just… why bother?? But also a growing feeling that this dream is bigger than me and I am not ready.

And I did want to give up.

But that feeling only lasted until Tuesday.? I think that’s a really important thing to remember when you feel like giving up: it’s just a feeling.? Feelings change.? Don’t give up.

On Tuesday I posted my 100 Reasons Why I Can Do This.? If you did not read that post, READ IT NOW and then make your own list.

On Tuesday I felt great!? I led a free tele-class on How To Stay In The Magic No Matter What Is Happening Around You and it was amazing.

Participants were having the most amazing realizations and I could feel the magic sparkling in the air. I am in love with my work, and with the people who show up to play with me.

Then I went to see a doctor about a rash I’ve got on my legs.? It’s itchy and gross and I had tried every natural thing there is and it’s still CRAZY ITCHY.? Doctor gave me some drugs – an anti-itch pill and a rash-healing cream.

Wednesday I woke up 2 hours later than usual which I NEVER do.? I felt groggy all day.? The last time I took a pharmaceutical was about 10 years ago.? I am so sensitive even Advil makes me loopy, but this stuff REALLY makes me loopy.

Loopy, groggy, mellow and ready for a nap.? That’s how I felt all day.? Kind of the opposite energy of “THIS IS MY DREAM AND I AM MAKING IT REAL, DAMNIT!”

But I remembered this:

When you commit to your dream, everything that happens next happens to support you in the process of bringing that dream to life.


The things we think of as obstacles, roadblocks and the universe “testing us” are actually doorways into new possibilities. It’s just our seeing them as obstacles, roadblocks as tests keeps us from seeing the possibility, opening the door and stepping into dreamland.

Pills that make me groggy are actually tiny little doorways into a new possibility.? Pills that make me groggy are here to HELP ME make my dream real.? So, thank you pills!? I will be learning more about you and the superpowers you are here to share with me over the next three weeks.

So being groggy and slowing down right when I think I need to speed up is good.

I’m already seeing that – it’s so easy to get caught up in all the details of things to do when growing a business.? It’s so important to stay connected – heart to heart and soul to soul – with the purpose of what you are creating.

Then you’re coming from a place of real power.?? Like a giant at the bottom of the sea can flick his fingers are create a huge waterfall up on the surface.? And a person up on the surface can use all the energy they have to flail about and not displace anywhere near as much water.

The deeper down you do, the more power you have.? That’s how Creative Soul Alchemy works.

What I did this week:

Last Friday I said I wanted to figure out what I am going to DO and I did it!? I made a list of what I need to be doing every day and every week to stay in the flow of making this dream real.

I’ve created 3 sections: daily practice, weekly practice and business things (the work).

Daily Practice:

  • Meditation A (A being quiet stillness deep connection, no Creative Soul Alchemy work)
  • Meditation B (B being transforming energy, lots of Creative Soul Alchemy work)
  • Journaling
  • Artmaking

So of the daily practice things, only one (Meditation B) is actually focused on making the dream real.? Everything else is focused on nurturing me.

Before a tree can grow bigger branches and more leaves, it needs a larger root system.? Same goes for dreamers.

I always did meditate, journal and make art most days.? Now I am deepening my commitment in the name of growing larger roots.

creative journaling

Weekly Practice:

Right now I only have 1 weekly practice, this may change.? Every week, I want to spend some time re-reading my favourite business books and e-courses and exploring new ones.? A steady stream of information, inspiration and ideas for my brain.

Starting with Unveiling The Heart of Your Business.? The first business book I read that was profoundly helpful, because it puts all business stuff into spiritual terms – it speaks my language and approaches business as a beautiful heart-nurturing thing.

(Unveiling The Heart of Your Business is highly highly highly recommended)

The first time I read it I was soooo new to business and still had a lot of negative/limiting ideas about what business is, that I had to step over and work around before I could get anywhere.? Now that I have cleared a lot of that, I am interested to see what new gifts I find in this amazing program.

But, since I’m telling the truth here, I will share that I didn’t get to this this week.? I did put it on my iPad so I could easily take it to the coffee shop to play with.? But that was my plan for Wednesday afternoon and I was just soooo groggy from the new pills I took a nap instead.

Self-Compassion is a good companion on the path to making a big dream real.

But having compassion for not doing the things you said you’d do is not compassionate at all – it’s an unconscious self-sabotage system.

The greatest act of compassion is to hold yourself to your commitment to being the person you want to be.

In the grand scheme of things, do you want to have your dream made REAL or do you want to be coddled in your excuses?

I want my dream.? And I want to be compassionate towards myself in the process – so loving and compassionate towards myself that I keep the promises I make to myself.? So I am re-committing.? In fact, I am promising to spend some time with Unveiling The Heart of Your Business this weekend.

Actual Business Things:

This is where I found a really interesting question:

Is it enough to step up what I have been doing or do I need to create a totally new plan?

(I’m going to write a whole post about that question for Dreamtastic.? It’s a really genius kind of question to be asking + exploring and it helped me figure out what to DO with this new business goal of mine.)

I did my How To Stay In The Magic tele-class.

These classes take me about 2 days to create, prep for, facilitate and recover from.? Because we’re doing deep down Creative Soul Alchemy – shifting energy, healing wounds and dissolving blocks, it takes a lot of energy to create and hold that kind of space.

My free tele-classes are NOT just promotional things where I try to convince you to sign up for my programs.? They are helpful + inspiring actual classes.? But they ARE a promotional tool in that once people experience the magic of working with me, they tend to want more.

The Creative Dream Initiation is the same thing… a helpful and inspiring Try Before You Buy for the Creative Dream Circle.

I also:

  • Updated the Creative Dream Incubator page.
  • Scheduled the next Incubator session to start on January 28.
  • Brainstormed how I want to promote the Creative Dream Incubator in January.
  • Posted about the Creative Dream HOLYday: Virtual Playdate & Creative Dream Retreat happening on January 3.
  • Wrote 2 Dreamtastic posts: 100 Reasons Why You Can Do This and How To Blend Lots of Dreams Together.
  • Came up with a system for scheduling things on Facebook so instead of posting everything at once when I’m there, the posts are more spread out.
  • Started re-arranging things inside the Creative Dream Circle to make space for the new stuff.
  • Met up with Lisa Wilson from Being Breath?to talk about our videocast, part of 21 Secrets LIVE in 2014.? Wowee we’re going to throw an amazing creative playdate together.? (Join 21 Secrets LIVE right here – weekly video streaming art journal playdates!? With 21 different inspiring teachers!)? This is not directly related, and I said yes to this project not to grow my business but because it seemed like it would be so fun.? But collaborative projects like this do get your work out to new audiences.
  • Wrote this post.

?When I look at it like this I feel disappointed, like I did too little.

Even though How To Stay In The Magic took a lot of bandwidth this week.? Even though I’m on this new prescription that is making me groggy.

Hey… No Matter How Much I Do It’s Not Enough… I see you there and I choose a different perspective.? I remind you of how much inner work it takes to schedule + announce new classes.? I remind you that I’m giving time and attention and love to each thing, doing fewer things but doing them with more care.? I remind you that this post itself is MONSTROUS and it takes time to write MONSTROUS blog posts.

And, I’m writing this on Thursday afternoon.? I still have all of Friday to do the rest of the things on my list.

Oh, what’s that?? I finished my list?

So, can we call this enough then?? Yes.? Deal.

And Friday afternoon I can go out for coffee and a cookie and leisurely plan out what I want to do next week.? And while I’m at in, I can even get started re-reading Unveiling The Heart of Your Business.

My plans for next week:

Well on Monday I’m doing this:

Holiday Paint Party

It’s free, click here to join!

And I’m going to work on a plan for all the behind-the-scenes things I want to have done by January to start this mission with a BANG.


I got this idea this morning, to keep a running tally.? Mostly, at the end of this I would like to be able to show that Hey you can have a lot of monsters + obstacles to overcome… and still make that dream real.

Monsters = limiting beliefs, inner critics, fears

Obstacles = outer things that come up and seem to be thwarting my plans

Sold Steps Taken = though there have been millions of baby steps, I am counting each thing in the “Things I Did” section.

Monsters Overcome: 4

What you have already is good enough, I am not ready, I want to give up, No matter how much I do it’s not enough

Obstacles Navigated: 1

New prescription makes me groggy + loopy

Solid Steps Taken: 11

Not a bad start.

Watch Me Make A Big Dream Real, Part 2 Read More »

If it feels wrong, don’t do it.

When something just feels wrong, that is your intuition speaking to you, letting you know that something is off.

The more you ignore that inner wisdom and just bulldoze through, the easier it gets to just keep on bulldozing…. which creates a gigantic mess in your inner world, and makes it harder for yout o re-connect with your inner wisdom.

Bulldozing is not a tool for successful creative dreaming.

But bulldozing is basically what built our world. There’s a lot of it out there and it can be hard to not fall into that pattern.

I planned tomorrow’s Calm For The Holidays Creative Playdate months ago. It’s one of those times when what I need and want I want to offer are one and the same, and I was really looking forward to it.

But as the date approached, something started to feel off. It was subtle at first, and then I became more and more uncomfortable every time I tried to work on it.

A few weeks ago I started to think about cancelling it, because it felt so wrong. But canceling it felt even more wrong!

I did a lot of journaling and a lot of sitting with my feelings and just waiting.

Sometimes I can’t prep for an event like this until the day before because the energy is shifting so much. As soon as people sign up for a transformative event, transformation starts. So sometimes I wait until the last minute so that I am working with the energy that will show up at the event.

But that’s not what was happening this time. Something was really off.

So, instead of prepping for the class, I did even more journaling, even more sitting with my feelings, even more waiting.

And the answer came.

I wrote last week about a huge shift I am making in my work.

As soon as I shifted things around, the Calm For The Holidays Creative Playdate changed.

The feeling of something being off was gone. I happily prepped for the calls and created the playbook and once again I am soooooo looking forward to this.


Calm is a doorway that leads you to whatever you need right now.
Calm is powerful.
Calm is magic.

Doing what you need to do to get into a state of calm, instead of bulldozing through your to-do list, always brings you somewhere amazing,

I am so happy I worked through the tangled parts to get to this place.? Now the Calm For The Holidays Creative Playdate is going to be amazing.? (It’s tomorrow! Come play with us!)

I wanted to share that story as a little reminder of the importance of listening to your feelings.

Don’t be so hell-bent on Making Things Happen that you stop listening to your inner guidance.

Even when it seems like your inner guidance is trying to direct you away from something you really want, listen to it and explore it. Often it’s just showing you a shortcut or an easier path.


If it feels wrong, don’t do it. Read More »

I did it :)

I wrote earlier this week about feeling stuck with wanting to sell handmade original art cards.? I was stuck with making the cards.? I was stuck figuring out a plan for selling the cards.

I was tangled up just thinking about it.

And now… tada!

inspiration cards

New cards! Looking for new homes!

I LOVE living with these reminders of what’s true and beautiful and important and I hope you will too.

inspiration cards inspiration cards

inspiration cards?inspiration cards

You can get them on Etsy 🙂

I did it :) Read More »

[The magic of disappointment] Canceling my retreat.

This is kind of a long story but I am hoping that you’ll read it.

There IS a lot of magic in disappointment and there is a lot of power in following your creative impulse even when you don’t get what you (thought you) wanted.

But the magical stories of disappointment are rare because we live in a world that shouts about success from every rooftop while carefully sweeping failure under the rug.

This skews your perception of what success actually is (it actually isn’t anything that you can measure with a number). And it skews your perception of what it takes to bring a dream to life.? These two skews leave you kind of screwed!

My story starts in January of this year.

I was running a session of the Creative Dream Incubator e-course and playing along, exploring what was happening in my inner world, looking for new dreams that were ready to come to life.

And the dream that came to me was: Creative Dream Retreats.? I saw myself leading life-changing dream-growing retreats in beautiful, nourishing, creative spaces around the world.

The essence of the dream was about adventure and discovery and spaciousness and glee.? The dream was beautiful and it was also all kinds of stuck.

Week after week I wrestled with my doubts, fears and inner saboteurs.? Week after week I followed along through my Creative Dream Incubator, gently un-sticking the stuck, activating the magic and learning how to give my dream what it needed to grow.

And then Chris Zydel, one of my creative heroes, began appearing in my dreams – like, the dreams I had while I was sleeping.

So Chris and I got together to explore why this was happening, maybe it was a sign?? Maybe we had something to share with each other? We talked about what we were working on, but couldn’t find any message or reason why she kept showing up in my dreams.

We were about to end our call when I said “Well, since I’ve got you here, maybe you can give me some pointers?? I’ve been working on putting together a retreat and I’m stuck….”

And it all snapped into place.

Chris talked her Creative Juices Arts studio, which solved ALL of my stucks about the retreat – where to have it that was inspiring and had the right space for creative explorations but was also in an interesting place where there were other things to do too… everything was perfect, down to the massive amounts of art supplies and a delicious caterer.

And we both kind of lit up with the idea of doing a Creative Genius Retreat together.

I started telling some of my clients and friends and had so many “Ohmigosh YES I am so totally coming!” responses that I didn’t promote it very much because it seemed like it was already sold out.

I happily went through my year, knowing I’d be leading this AMAZING life-changing dream-growing retreat in a gorgeously inspiring space.

Except, well, all of those “Ohmigosh YES I am so totally coming!” responses didn’t translate into actual registrations.

The timing was off.? Things came up.

And this fall we realised – the retreat wasn’t going to happen.

And you know what?? I didn’t feel sad or disappointed.

I felt a little confused because of the amazing response I had, but mostly it just felt right.

I’ve shared this story often, that when I first started doing creativity workshops I often had events where no one showed up.? And it was horribly disappointing back then.

But today? This is just one retreat, not doing it doesn’t impact my business.? No, I didn’t feel disappointed.

I felt proud.

Proud that I honoured my creative impulse.? Proud that I worked through the stuck parts.? Proud that I put it out there.

I took a big step and I learned some stuff and now I know more about how to take the next step.? This is how it works.

And underneath that, I felt glee.

Because I’d already bought my plane ticket to San Francisco for crazycheap because I had a voucher that expired earlier this year.? Which means I’m still getting my adventure and my creative retreat.? I’m getting the essence of my dream in a different package.

In the video I made about The Magic of Disappointment I talked about how feeling disappointment helps you to see how very much you still want the thing, and you can use that desire to move yourself towards it.? In this situation, the magic of non-disappointment is showing me that this wasn’t really what I wanted.?

The truth is, and for some reason I couldn’t admit this to myself before – right now I? just want to go on amazing creative retreats by myself.

Because every day I’m supporting my people through the inner transformation that creates outer change… retreating on my own replenishes me so I can keep doing that.

Following your creative dream and working through the stucks does NOT guarantee that you get exactly what you wanted.

Your dream is wise!? It will bring you somewhere new.? Somewhere a little more aligned with your unique creative soul.

Sometimes, somewhere you didn’t even know you wanted to go to.

Having things not work out does not mean that you failed, ever.

The only way to fail is by giving up before you start.

inspiration cards

Something magic will happen every time you take a step towards trusting your dream.

Fear of failing stops us from doing that.

And it’s stupid.

Because, like I said in the beginning, our perceptions of success and failure are skewed.

You are a success for being brave enough to claim your dream.

You are a success every time you follow your creative impulse.

You are a success every time you put it out there.? And each time you do – you’ll learn something about how to do it differently next time.

So every time you take a creative risk you deserve to be celebrated.

Just like I am celebrating cancelling the Creative Genius Retreat, and going on to California on my own.

I still get to have my own Creative Genius Retreat.? I still get to have a totally amazing time.

My flight leaves first thing tomorrow morning and I am very happy.

Expect to see lots of happy photos from my creative retreat on my Instagram and Facebook over the weekend.

[The magic of disappointment] Canceling my retreat. Read More »

On doing something that you don’t think you can do.

I’m setting out to do something I’m not sure I can do.

So I wrote out a few things I know are true, to help light the way. Hopefully they are helpful for you too.


1. If you apply your creativity and your intuition and work and it and give it time: you can do anything.

2. The stuff you think you can’t do is the best stuff to do.? If you know you can do it, it means you’ve already done it and there’s no adventure in it.

3. Being in the adventure of doing something you haven’t done before and aren’t sure you even can do pushes your creative edge and grows you in all the best ways.? I know it’s hard now, but you’ll be so grateful you did it.

4. If you are NOT doing things that you don’t think you can do – you’re stagnating, you’re staying in already-been-done-ness.

5. You wouldn’t have the desire to do it if you weren’t capable of it – that desire is a new part of you being born, the part of you that can do it – once she figures it all out.? It’s ok if the figuring it all out part is messy.

6.? Floundering.? Mis-steps.? Having it take more time than you want it too or look different than you thought it would.? That’s all ok.? Giving up is not.

7. Changing course is different from giving up.? Dreams change as you work on them. Flow WITH the inspiration and you’ll get somewhere amazing.? Try to control the outcome and you’ll get somewhere pretty sad.

On doing something that you don’t think you can do. Read More »

On being copied.


Last week I was accused of copying someone else’s work.? I was really bewildered by the accusation, since I’ve been doing what I do for so long, and met this person so recently I didn’t see how they could think that was even possible.

I know I have felt copied many times.? And I know that feeling sucks.

But being on the other side of it, I could see even more than ever – that unless someone is actually actually making copies of and selling your work it’s really best to just let it go.

I could see how this person thought that my work is too similar to hers – on the surface.? But she didn’t take any time to get to know me or find out where the inspiration came from.? Which, of course, I don’t do either when I feel like someone is copying me!

From where I sit, I can see that I have a few close friends and about 20 online acquaintances who do the exact same thing that this person thinks I copied from her.? I’ve known those people longer and they’ve been doing their thing for longer so if I was going to copy someone if would be that group of people, not this person I just met.

It’s obvious I didn’t copy her. And there is nothing I can say that will change that she feels copied.

It’s a crappy situation.

With so many people sharing so much creative work online, this can be a really tricky grey area.

When you see someone do something that you think was your idea first – ugh!

Bringing your Creative Dreams into the world is so freaking vulnerable + scary. And then to go through all of that, to have your idea stolen?? ARGH!

It makes you feel hopeless.? Like this is more evidence that your dream will never happen for you.? Like you can’t trust in the goodness of people.? Like it’s not safe to share your creative ideas with the world.

It reminded me of last summer when I met Jess from Seek Your Course.? She was traveling around North America, putting on Creativity Workshops and meeting with Creative Leaders.

She wanted to get to know us and also learn more about our challenges and brainstorm ways to overcome them.

She told me that the #1 challenge of other Creative Leaders is COPYING.

“COPYING?”? I said, “No, that’s not a problem.”

And Jess told me about how people will take a weekend workshop with someone, and then turn around and start teaching that same course.? Like, using their exact templates and techniques.? They actually photocopy other people’s materials and use them to teach from!

Now that is NOT a tricky grey area.? That’s illegal and lame.

And really – the internet is FULL of copying.? Often I land on a new website and am BLOWN AWAY by how it looks exactly like Famous Blogger’s website, right down to language used, and products and services offered for sale.

(Which is why I am always talking about how bringing your dream to life is NOT about finding the right map to follow, because then you end up with a cheap copy of someone else’s dream)

And that’s sad but still – I don’t think it’s a problem for a true Creative Leader.

Real or imagined – your copycats are NOT your competition.

Because people aren’t buying your product or service on its own – they’re buying your product or service animated by your creative essence.

Sometimes The Copycats are really successful.

If someone is straight-out copying other people’s work and selling it – their creative essence is blocked.? Which doesn’t mean no one will want their work.

Other people whose creative essence is blocked, people who are afraid of having it truly be un-blocked, will be drawn to them.? Because they are a safe person – they’re not going to push them out of their block-ness and into the dangerous wildness of being in their creative essence.? They get to play with the creative stuff but stay totally on the surface.

So to the person being copied it can feel like the copy-er has stolen their potential clients.

But they haven’t.? Those people probably wouldn’t have bought from you because they’re not ready for someone who is un-blocked enough in their creative essence to create their own stuff.? That’s too scary for where they are right now.

Same goes for that tricky grey area where people just feel like they’re being copied.? A thousand people can be doing the same thing – but everyone is going to bring their unique creative essence to the way they are doing it.? And if you’re working online – there can easily be room for thousands of people to be doing the same thing.

We can only teach/give what we ARE.

Goodness, look at the online mixed media art journaling community!? Such a huge, thriving community of people basically all doing the same thing: mixed media art journaling.

And yet, when I think about some of my favourite teachers in that community, people like Effy Wild, Samie Harding, Tamara LaPorte – you can see that they’re all teaching the same thing and each doing it in a totally unique way.

They’re teaching from their creative essence.

Their students want to learn creative journaling, but they come to them, specifically, for who they are.

But getting there is a journey.

In most things, we start by copying/emulating.? When I started leading healing and meditation circles, and teaching classes on spirituality, I was doing so from a curriculum.

While I did this, I was doing what I could to bring my creative essence into what I was teaching and was developing my own creativity workshops on the side, bringing in everything I knew from 10 years of living as an artist – which, in my experience, brought spirituality to life in a way that nothing else could.

I kept on developing my own ideas and approaches until eventually I could no longer teach from someone else’s curriculum, and I left that spiritual center to start my own thing so I could teach MY ideas.

It’s not wrong to start out copying.?

Just name your sources.? Ask their permission if you want to sell what they’ve taught you, if they don’t give it – respect that.

If, instead of jumping in and starting to teach/sell before you’ve developed your own style/technique/approach, you take some time to develop your work – you’ll be amazed by how quickly your unique style and voice will emerge.

Then you’ll have something cool and different to teach/sell.

I’ve been studying what I teach for 20 years.

Right now my focus is on deep, deep integration.? At the deepest levels I can access.

When someone works with me what they’re getting beneath the surface of the program is TRANSMISSION.?? To learn from someone who walks their talk opens up permission in the deepest parts of ourselves, to discover and embrace our unique truth.?

I believe this is the most valuable thing anyone can teach.

Working with someone who walks their talk is a totally different experience from working with someone who doesn’t live from that deep down soul-connection to their creative essence, even if they put on a good show, say all the right things and have their work beautifully packaged.

I had a teacher who was unable to walk his talk.? At first, it was confusing and sad.? Over time, it created more and more chaos and division in the whole community until he had no choice but to leave.

I got to see first hand what happens when a leader doesn’t lead from within, which helps me in my commitment to doing what I can to stay in alignment with my creative essence, and then to let my work come from there.? (This is also why people always say that I have such a unique style – because I’m not focused on what it looks like, I’m focused on how deeply connected I am to my creative essence.)

The most important thing to remember about copying is this:

People can only copy external things.? They can’t copy your essence.

NO ONE else has YOUR creative essence.

NO ONE ELSE can stop you from succeeding.? (I promise.)

Stay focused on doing your best work and being true to your creative essence.

Unless they are truly harming your business in some way – leave the copycats alone, it’s a waste of energy.

It’s better to use that energy to stay focused on doing your best work and being true to your creative essence. ? Then you can’t lose – no matter what anyone else is doing.

On being copied. Read More »

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