A day of playing with amazing creative kindred spirits… Starting with super-magic creative-trance meditation to go inside to open up new pockets of possibility, flow and magic.
And then a day to play in those new pockets!
Creativity, writing new stories, explorations, costumes, adventure, journaling, discoveries.
The best way to describe it is to say that the Playdate will SPARKLE.
And then three whole weeks of playing together to take all this magic and use it to to change how money functions in our inner worlds.
Which is, of course, the most effective way to change how it functions in your outer world.
We’re going to have so much heart-opening magic-sparking fun.
"It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure." - Joseph Campbell
Obstacles and stumbles are super annoying!
They are also the means through which our dreams actually come true, so it's important to pay attention to them.? And that's what this week's Creative Dream TV is all about.
Watch it now:
Once you start really working with this and getting creative about how you handle the obstacles - miracles will start to happen.
Inside the Creative Dream Circle, I show you everything you need to know about transforming obstacles into fuel for you dreams.
[AKA Calling Bullshit On Our Relationship With Money, Part 2] (Part 1 is here)
“Feeling good about myself/my work/my art/my actions is more important than money.”
If I hear this from one more well-meaning creative dreamer I! Am! Going! To! Scream!
That kind of thinking creates a split in your relationship with money.? It creates an unnatural hierarchy in your inner world – this is more important than that.
It puts money at the bottom.
It makes money somehow dirty, bad, or wrong – which is not exactly a welcoming environment.
It sets you up to think you’re some kind of asshole for having the audacity to want to make money doing the things you love to do.
And meanwhile – what, exactly, are you going to live on if money isn’t important?
It’s extremely self-sabotaging.
This makes me mad because it reminds me of me!
It reminds me of when I was adamant that art was more important than money.
And it reminds me of how hard everything was for me back then.
And of how wrong I was!
Because actually I make MUCH better art when I’ve got money.? Money SUPPORTS Art.
When I’ve got the art supplies and gorgeously lit studio I need. With crystals hanging in the gigantoid windows, throwing rainbows all over everything.
When my energy isn’t tied up in worrying about paying the bills.
I don’t do my best work in a pressure cooker.
A pressure cooker is exactly what you’re creating in your life when you say that money isn’t important.
Money is important.
It’s not that it’s more or less important than your art or your soul.
It’s all important.
When you tear down that hierarchy then you make it possible for everything to work together.?
Because you inner world was never meant to have a hierarchy!? It’s not about structure and rank.? It’s about all the parts working together for the benefit of the whole.? No one thing being more or less important, everything being cherished and loved for what it is.
That’s when everything in your world can work in harmony to create your life as a gorgeous work of art.
When money isn’t “more important” or “less important” than other things, then it can do what it does best: SUPPORT YOU.
It can help you do more of your meaningful creative work.
It can help you live a life that is true to who you are.
It can help you give your family what they need to thrive.
We have so much work to do in this area!
We being the creative dreamers of the world.
Can you imagine how the whole world would change if more of us were more financially empowered in our lives?? The impact we could have if we were all living our biggest dreams?
It really has to start with a shift in your thinking about money – which then sparks a shift in your relationship with money.
And this is why I’m doing the Creative With Money Online Playdate on Friday.
Because shifting your relationship with money is a difficult complicated thing to do.
I’m not talking about making more money or spending less money or investing better: though those things can be outcomes of an improved relationship with money.
I’m talking about feeling good about money and how it functions in your world.
Imagine right now that you did feel good about money and how it functions in your world.
Can you feel that sense of opening and possibility and magic?? And how money doesn’t have to be stressful?
PS: I’m getting a lot of questions from people who want to know when/if I am doing this again and if I’ll do it on a different day because Friday doesn’t work for them.
The last time I did this people who were not there on the calls reported that they felt like they were every bit as much a part of the group as those who did attend live.?
It’s usually about 1/2 the group who is there live and 1/2 using the recordings – it’s not like you’ll be the only one who isn’t there live. So I can assure you that you don’t miss out by not being there live on the calls.?
And to answer the question: I don’t know if I am doing this again.
This is what Angel wrote to me after the first Creative With Money Playdate I did:
"HOLY MOLY, woman!
This program *so* full of brilliant I?m still seeing stars and glitter, hours later!
I signed up for because I have had this *thing* with money for as long as I can remember and frankly I'm over it and ready to work with it!
I did get what I wanted from the program.
I had some really spectacular experiences with the work itself and also with the rest of the group. There is definitely magicks within the right group atmosphere.
My relationship with money has begun to evolve, on a really deep level (which is the only way there can be any lasting change), and has led me to being able to actually have a relationship with money rather than just constant fear around anything money related.
That fear and tension is not a fun way to live, especially as it relates to something that has such an impact on life as we're currently living it!
Well I started to say that my favorite part was working through the workbooks on my own time and in my own way? - but then I realized that actually my really favorite part was the group interaction. It's been insanely helpful to me to hear others sharing their experiences, stories, shifts, etc. (but the workbooks are a close second for sure! ;-))
She is so right! Life, the way we're living it now, includes USING MONEY EVERY DAY.
You work for and with money all the time.
PLAYING for and with money changes everything.
It loosens up those rigid patterns and beliefs that keep you stuck when it comes to money.
Result:You get un-stuck!
It opens up new possibilities like tiny doorways that lead to magical new worlds.
Result:You have new ideas and opportunities for how to get what you want!? All of a sudden it is much easier than you thought, to have exactly what you want.
It gives you a framework for developing your relationship with money beyond counting pennies and hoping for the best.
Result: You have a way to manage and work with money that is positive, creative and constructive.
It allows your intuition and your genius to play a role in how you do money.
You know that the definition of insanity is to keep doing what you've always done, while expecting a different result.
You've spent enough time worrying about money to know that it doesn't work.
There is another way: Playing. Being Creative. It's where your magic is.
I teach this in the Creative With Money class - which you get, with ALL of my other programs when you join Dream Book.
I picked this book because I was doing EFT in an acupuncture circle and I loved it and wanted to explore more.
I am more than a little embarrassed about the fact that it’s written by the Chicken Soup For The Soul guy.? But, I gave it a chance and I am super glad I did!
Because even though the Chicken Soup For The Soul empire is kind of cheesy and embarrassing, I can’t argue with the fact that it is MEGA-SUCCESSFUL.
And do you know what MEGA-SUCCESSFUL people do?
They don’t let their stuff (inner critics, fears, doubts, etc) get in their way.
EFT is a way to stop your stuff from getting in your way.
I was SUPER IMPRESSED with how the book dealt with emotional stuff.? Typically this is what happens:
Here you are, in your “comfort zone” which is filled with things that are comfortable and things that are not comfortable.? (It’s really more of a “familiar zone” than a “comfort zone”.)
There is your dream, outside of your familiar zone.
There is this uncomfortable emotional stuff, between you and your dream.
And your fear of dealing with that keeps you in the familiar zone.
Even though, generally, that uncomfortable emotional stuff between you and your dream is no more uncomfortable than the uncomfortable emotional stuff you face all the time – it’s just not familiar.
This book shows you, step by step in crystal clear detail, how to tap your way to where you want to be.
It makes the trek through the unknown uncomfortable stuff easier – so that you can get to your dream (aka your PURPOSE or MISSION).
It’s very simple – you tap on energy meridians with your fingers while working through your emotional stuff in an effective, simple and systematic way.
So, I loved the book and how it presents how to work through your emotional stuff in an effective, simple and systematic way – there is not enough of this in the world!
It makes it so much easier to work through that gunk and get to the part where you believe in yourself, you believe in your dream and you’re ready to make it happen.
Do you want it?
Using a random number generator to choose the winner, the winner is Laurie who said, if there were no obstacles in her way “I would be a full time creative artist, shiatsu and reiki master, happily married, and independently wealthy and sublimely healthy..”
And this week’s Creative Dream TV is all obstacles and how dealing with them can actually help you make your dream real.
On top of my file cabinet in my office at Creative Magic Headquarters.
This week, instead of a new episode of Creative Dream TV, I am sharing this:
I did an hour-long interview with the Love and Money Revolution for their Holistic Business Radio.
Love! And Money!
I had so much fun doing this interview.
We talked about how we can use creativity to make things work magically better in our lives. We also talk about how to transform our (often sticky and hard) relationships with money into something that is way better.
I’m in the process of change, big change, in my life and business – I’ve been in this process for a while.
For months I’ve been spending more of my time facing new fears + doubts + gremlins + inner critics. Lately it’s been lots of visits with this new friend called Ms. WORRYWART.? Not fun.
But, with each part I work through new space opens up. And I’m coming to the part where it’s less being in the internal process of change and more making sparkly new things real, out in the world.
So at this point, I’m spending less time with the gremlins and more time with CLARITY, FREEDOM, POSSIBILITY and BEING TRUE TO MYSELF AND MY MISSION, which is all-around awesome.
And so: everything is about to change at the Creative Magic Academy.
Everything is going to change to better support my mission of overflowing this whole world with sparkly wishes (fulfilled!) and dreams (come true!).
The problem is that CreativeSpiritual people shut off their genius when it comes to money.
Admit it, you do this.
So, before your creative dreams can pay the bills, you have to re-route a path in your brain - from your genius, to your money.
I promise: This is not anywhere near as complicated or weird as it sounds.
In this episode of Creative Dream TV I talk about a whole bunch of questions I got from Creative Dream TV fans, about creative dreams and money.
And I and share a crazy-magic transformational tool that helps no matter what your specific struggle with money looks like - a tool that helps you to start to re-route a path in your brain - from your genius, to your money.
Watch it now:
So let's get your creative genius flowing when it comes to money.
Your dream wants to pay your bills!
My Creative With Money class is now available for free when you join Dream Book.
Most creative people have a hard time asking for what their work is worth.
This week's Creative Dream TV question:
"I'm a freelance editor who often works directly with writers. My?clientele?(writers) are notoriously poor! I feel the service I provide is valuable, but I feel guilty charging what I think I should be earning because I know that so many of my clients will struggle to find the money. What should I do? Should I try to find a different clientele??
How can I find the balance between what my clients can pay and what I need to earn?"
In this situation, we have a creative person working with creative people so it's compounded.? But what's happening beneath the surface is what's happening with a lot of creative people:? getting all twisted up when it comes to asking for money for our work - enough money so we can live comfortably.
Watch the episode now:
(Yes, I am wearing my new sovereignty crown!)
Creative WITH Money!
Creative people struggle with money so much because we don't use our creative gifts and strengths when we deal with money.
Admit it - you shut off your brilliant creative genius when it comes to money.
It's time to stop doing that.
(Creative with Money, along with allllll of my other courses, is only available inside the Creative Dream Circle.)
As I shared last week, for the past year I’ve been running a group called Advanced Creative Badassery.? About how if you want to break out of your own patterns and limitations and create your dreams in your world – you’ve got to be kind of basass.
Then my friends Jenn and Amanda sent me a badass email about this new thing they are doing:
I’m doing my superfantastic Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning session (creating space for all of the things I want to happen this week).
This is usually my favourite part of the week.
But today I’m feeling all tangled up.
I’m realising, more and more, how important transparency is to me.
And how hard it is to hide something!? Like, it takes a lot of energy to keep a thing hidden.? Energy that could better be used elsewhere.
There is something I have not been sharing and somehow the not-sharing is starting to take up too much space.
So here’s the whole story:
Almost a year ago, I started an advanced practice group, it was called Advanced Creative Badassery.? Because to actually actively bring your dreams to life, you’ve got to be kind of basass.
I didn’t promote this or put it on my blog, I sent out one email about it, to everyone who had taken a class with me.
I wanted to start small.? It was important to me to do a really awesomely good job at creating the container before filling it up.
I didn’t want this to be just another online group.? I wanted to it to be a catalyst for magic and possibility and dreams come true.? So I had to explore and experiment and figure out how to do that, and exploring and experimenting are easier for me to do in a small group.
It’s not that I wanted the group to be secret, it’s that it’s all about the more advanced practices and processes of bringing dreams to life.? It’s not a beginner group, it’s for people who are already working with me or taking classes with me, so I didn’t mention it on the blog.
And I was still in the process of creating the group – exploring and discovering and helping it grow into the just-right-thing.? It didn’t feel right to share it until it felt like it was out of the incubation phase.
And at the end of the incubation process, I ended up closing that group, and creating a totally new group: the Creative Dream Circle.
This is the best thing I’ve ever made.
And there is so much space for it to keep getting better.
So many things I want to add to it as it grows, and as I grow.
I. Love. This. Group.
And it’s become super-uncomfortable-tangly-weird to not talk about it here!? My blog is my public dream-growing dream-living journal.? It’s important to be to be transparent.? To share my true story of what it means to live everything I teach about creative dreaming.
Not having such a big, important part of the story here just feels wrong.
And yet, because it’s such a big thing, because I’ve been working on it for a year already, I felt like I couldn’t just say it.? I had to come up with some kind of beautiful-perfect-celebratory way to share it.
So for the past few weeks I’ve been waiting for that beautiful-perfect-celebratory way to share it to come to me.? And it’s not.
It’s really uncomfortable, to have this beautiful thing I want to share, and to not know how to share it.
There are all of these crazy ideas floating around there…
that your art is somehow more real if you’re not doing it for money, like money taints your process
that spiritual teachings should be given for free or else you’re some kind of scam artist
that creatives just aren’t good at business (and that the only way to get good at it is to use annoying, sleazy marketing and sales strategies)
that profound meaning and high profits can’t play nice together
…I could go on and on but I am getting annoyed.
What is especially insidious about this kind of bullshit is that it is masking the real problem.
All of these ideas point to –> that’s just how life is.
But the real problem is actually in the opposite direction.
All of these ideas keep you focused in the opposite direction of where the actual problem is.? So all of these ideas are also keeping you from ever finding the solution, because you’re looking in the exact wrong direction.
The right direction is, of course, to look inside you. <—
Believing that your art is somehow more real if you’re not doing it for money keeps you from having to explore that inner voice that doubts your worth.
As long as you don’t do *everything you can* to learn how to market yourself and sell your art, you keep yourself safe from ever experiencing the terror and heartbreak of putting yourself all the way out there and being rejected.? (This is the holding pattern that kept me stuck in Starving Artist Land for years, putting myself part of the way out there.)
Believing that your art is somehow more real if you’re not doing it for money also keeps you from ever doing your best work. It keeps you from discovering what your real art even is, because doing your art as your living forces you to find your creative edge.
Same goes for the belief that spiritual teachings get tainted when you charge for them.
For years I taught classes in spirituality and lead meditation groups and healing circles and did spiritual counseling, all for free or for a very low cost.
The work I do now, which is not free, is about 90X more powerful, effective, transformational (and fun!) than the work I was doing then.
Money is an amplifier and an activator.
Unfortunately, too many spiritual creatives are allowing their limiting beliefs to be amplified and activated by money, instead of allowing their purpose, spirit and creativity to be amplified by money.
Results of limiting beliefs being amplified + activated by money:
feeling worn out
feeling resentful that you’re not doing what you want to do
not having the time/energy that your best work needs, because you’re doing other things to bring in the money to pay the bills
Results of purpose, spirit + creativity being amplified + activated by money:
trusting + experiencing that what you need is there when you need it
having the lifestyle that supports you in doing your best work
the indescribably delicious sense of satisfaction that comes from having your whole life be in alignment with your purpose
We need to shift our collective relationship with money.
It’s not about having millions in the bank.
It’s about being truly in alignment with your purpose, spirit and creativity.
When you bring creativity and play into the process – shifting your relationship with money does not have to be hard and painful and difficult.? I can show you exactly how to do this, step-by-step, in the Creative With Money Kit that you get inside the Creative Dream Circle.
There is a special bonus for the first 25 people who sign up.? I gave first dibs to the people on my email list, as of this morning, there are 20 of those bonuses left.